House Rules

Please find below some rules that I have for all games I GM, as well as some rules specific to the world of Nor Campaign.
The first thing to realize when playing in Nor, is that it is a story campaign. Roleplaying and combat are important but the entire game revolves around story. At the end of each session I want it to feel like you just read/wrote a chapter in a novel. This means I will change thing about monsters, sometimes spells, and other things to fit the the story and campaign world.
  Rules always in effect

Rule #1. In game issues

This rule is the most important one that I have. During the game any questions or disagreements about rules will be decided by the DM there and then. There are no arguments or discussions. If you wish to contact me after the game and show where a ruling was wrong that is fine, but stopping the game to argue about a rule is not tolerated. Sometimes I will stop and ask about it, if I think it is important for what I am trying to do, but in the end I will make a quick decision and that is the end. I usually have 7 people playing. That means when someone argues there are 6 other people that stop having a good time so one can get his/her point across. I will not have them sit and listen while one person argues. This is the only house rule that will not be changed and there will be no discussion about. Please also remember that the dm is putting together a story and is trying to make it interesting and fun. Because of this npcs, and monsters may do things that are not normal or consistent with your understanding of the rules. Sometimes you will attempt something that does not work in the way you think the rules say it does. In these cases there may be an in game reason. Think of the difference from your character's point of View. Instead of arguing about how the spell is supposed to work differently, your character should be looking for a reason it did not work the way he intended.

Rule #2. Classes, Prestige Classes, feats, spells, etc.

In keeping with the spirit of the campaign, not all are just readily available. When it comes to core classes I look at balance and then story. First is the class balanced with others; then is there a reason for the class. With most core classes the reason is easy to find, but some of them I can't see any purpose for. If a class is there just to give some mechanical bonus, of to allow access to a cool power, but does not fit in the campaign I will disallow it.
Most Core Stuff is allowed, but there are a few small changes to classes. Check with me on the class you are playing. Also the use of DM Genie, does cause a few snags. Example Classes that no one has ever played need some time to prep, as I have to script them in the program. Its best to let me know as early as possible what you want to play.
See the Base Classespage for more information on Base Classes.      

Rule #3 Magic Item Rules

Energy Weapons If an item is already enchanted with an energy type (ex Flaming longsword) any additional spells of effect that would add to that does not take effect, even if it would give a higher bonus.
Magic Item Prerequisites If you do not have a spell needed etc, the penalty is based on the perquisite missing and the effects of the item. This is at the DM discretion, and will not be disclosed. (Take the chance or making a cursed item)
The big 5 items can be enchanted with a secondary effect without increasing the cost for the first secondary effect. (EX: Cloak of resistance, can also be a cloak of the bat, and the cost of the secondary enchantment, will be calculated as if it is the first enchantment. This is so you don't have to choose between a cloak of resistance (Which is almost required) and another cool cloak option.

Rule #4 Changing your character

There are times when the character you think would be a blast to play, isn't. Sometimes it is do to the way he leveled, or the mechanical choices. Sometimes it has to so with the role-playing choices of story. If it is mechanical, let me know, we can change things. I am more of a story DM and am not concerned with scores, and abilities and those types of things. As long as your choices are not overshadowing everyone else then I am fine with things.
Story I am a bit more concerned about. The world has functioned so well, I think because of its consistency. I have played in game where what you did three weeks ago had no bearing on the current week. I never liked those games, and try to run a game that is different. This means I will not rewrite story for a character. If your character is not fun because of decision made during a game, or because of the way your role-played him, you have a choice. Change in game, or scrap the character (Handing him to me as an NPC), and start a new one. The new character will usually start out the same level as the rest of the party, but with no extra XP in that level, putting you somewhat behind. No one should have to play a character they are not having fun with. If you are, please let me know.

Other House Rules

Alternate Healing Rules(Herbology)- Using the heal skill and magical herbs.
Hero Points - We are using the Hero Point system from the APG
Plot Points- Points that can be uses to change the narrative in small ways.
Other mini game systems - Some campaigns may use other optional rules, like fear/sanity, or mission funding.
The World of Nor

Articles under House Rules


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Feb 18, 2023 00:05

Rule Number 1 is perfect! I have lived by this rule for a very long time. I also do not allow books open on a players turn.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying