
Baal, Father of Demons

  Baal, also known as The Formless One and They Who Watches In the Dark, Is a powerful entity responsible for demonic incursions on Nora. Noone knows much about Baal, certainly not their origin. Some theorize that theirs is a fourth realm for the world, a twisted realm of darkness and mutated flesh, and that Baal crossed over when Nora died, lying in wait as they watched the world grow. Some believe that Baal formed from her magick like the other gods, developing and breeding deep beneath the icy mountains of the world. Since then, Baal has never emerged from the shadows, simply opening the path for demons to appear on the surface. Their realm is rumored to be rooted deep underground of Nechestivy, and that it is their power that keeps the gods at bay and delivers the chaotic mutations upon the tainted Nechestivan people.  
Appearance and Depictions
  Baal is said to be formless in nature. Their shape is said to be everchanging, a gibbering mass of twisted flesh and bone that challenges the beliefs and sanity of any who would lay their eyes upon them. Baal wears no armor and wields no weapons. Emblems depicting Baal's worship will portray a black circle with six eyes inside of it. Artwork of Baal is unfounded, the only referral to their existence is through writing.    
Powers and Followers
  As little is known of Baal and none are said to have seen them and live to speak, their powers are mostly unknown. Their powers are anathema to the gods and natural life on Nora and repulsive in nature. Their power is rumored to have crept out from beneath the mountains and spread throughout Nechestivy, forbidding the gods to step foot there and tainting the people. The people of Nechestivy are cursed to have some of them born mutated in body and mind. Some say this is Baal's presence simply corrupting the area around it, others say that the original Nechestivan royal family forged a pact with Baal in exchange for sinister powers.   Followers of Baal are found almost exclusively among demons and the most wicked of Risen. Some Nechestivans will offer them praise in hopes of safety in their poor luck of being born on his territory. Almost all non-demon worshippers of Baal do so out of fear rather than awe.


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