Ehlen Opera House

A Culture of Song

  Opera has been an essential piece of Ehlen culture since the early days of their creation. Lilin, the sub-culture of Ehlen dedicated to their gift of voice, has expressed their gift through song to share stories of their past and their dreams for the future. These performances began in homes and public forums but quickly grew in demand and scope to call for their own specialized structures. Construction projects for buildings to accommodate these performances started in all major cities throughout Ehlanui and can currently be found in other major cities such as Sicerrone and Ignosi.   Ehlen Opera Houses follow a standard internal structure similar to theaters, but with a rounded performance hall that focuses more on channeling the acoustics of the performance and less on stage design. The entrance to these houses will be a closed-off lobby containing entrances to the main performance hall as well as stairways leading to balcony seatings. Each seated location is accompanied by a table for the serving of nourishment and narcotics upon request. In front of the stage lies a recessed area filled with pads and pillows for intermingled seating for a reduced price compared to the individual seats and tables.   All of them follow the design similarly with slight changes and variations depending on the locale. The sizes differ immensely, however. In Sicerrone, the Viridian Opera House has a seating capacity of around two hundred guests. The Amaranthine Opera House in the capital of Ehlanui has a maximum capacity of fifteen hundred seated guests, although the high demand often sees the intermingled seating in front of the stage stuffed in overcapacity.   Shows have become a cornerstone of Ehlen culture and entertainment and remain so through the modern age. On the weekends, performances can be found all throughout Starsday from early morning through the late evening. On Godsday, performances often begin immediately after services conclude at the local churches.
A Feast for the Senses
  In the lobbies of the Ehlen Opera Houses, a variety of stimulants and hors d’oeuvres will be served. All seated areas with tables will be regularly attended to throughout the shows by waiters offering these items.   Opera Houses offer a very drug-positive environment as they believe that the use of such narcotics relaxes the viewer and creates a deeper investment into the stories and visuals that will be present throughout the performance.   Naturally, certain institutions have insinuated that these Opera Houses encourage debaucherous behavior, yet the guests are encouraged to use them wisely. The performers have security present not only for their protection but also to protect the integrity of the performance hall.   Unruly guests are swiftly silenced and removed from performances, with disruptions of subsequent shows leading them to be blacklisted.


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