Elwynn Silversong

"My music aims not to bring joy and base entertainment to my audience, but to quench their very souls of a higher tier of thirst. Sadness, hope, fear, elation, and pain all will be felt in my performance. The beauty of my song, it is my sin."
- Elwynn, preparing a crowd at his final performance.

God of Music and the Arts

  Elwayne Bellanor was born to a family of Ehlen that specialized in the manufacturing and sales of musical instruments. Brought into the family business at a young age, they spent much of their youth traveling between Ehlanui and The Stoneroots to coordinate with Dwehrlen clients and craftsmen. They would work closely with these craftsmen, who desired to develop more intricate instruments to bring back for sale in their home of Amaranthine.   Even as a small child, Elwayne always possessed more of an inclination to play these instruments rather than sell them. In exchange for their hard work, their father would reward them with a share of the profits that they applied to lessons and enhance their craft. What money they did not apply to lessons, they would pass on to Ehlen and Dwehrlen craftsmen to develop greater and more intricate styles of musical instruments. Harps always drew their attention the most and they would always compliment the instrument's ability to look as beautiful as they sounded.   They were extraordinarily talented, possessing a gift for song and music that superseded any of their peers and even some of the accomplished musicians of their age. As they grew older, they began to use their days away from work to perform their music for audiences in Amaranthine. They started on street corners performing for free and eventually found their way inside of taverns and banquet halls. Their father continued to recognize and support their passion, also realizing their true potential was in their performances and not in the family business. He pulled his connections to get them a small slot in the famed Amaranthine Opera House. They took to the stage with the name Elwynn Silversong and soon took the musical world by storm.   Elwynn's combination of graceful harp, broad range of voice, and eloquent lyricism brought them to the forefront of the music scene in Ehlanui. They soon began to perform in opera houses in every major city, drawing a flock of followers that trailed after them. They were the first celebrity in the world of entertainment with their name alone selling out performance halls. It was then rumored that even the gods themselves listened to their performances, Elanaah, in particular, granting them gifts and blessings to support their endeavors.   It was at this point where they would reconnect with their father who came to bring them a gift to celebrate their achievements. He had commissioned one of the great Magismiths of the Anvil, those Dwehrlen craftsmen famous throughout the world, to create the finest harp ever conceived. The Magick Stones used to craft it came from a Hamadryad and a Sea Siren and granted it powerful enchantments. Music coming from the harp allowed Elwynn to project their emotions into the actual hearts and minds of their listeners, filling them with all of the feelings Elwynn would put into their music.   As they grew in fame, so did their craft and showmanship. Elwynn had always shown a love for all kinds of the arts. There was an entire entourage of artists who traveled with them between all the shows. They brought in dancers and fighters alike to perform along to the stories in their music. Painters and carpenters would build and decorate stages specific to the set of songs they would be performing that evening. Tailors, jewelers, and blacksmiths all accompanied to create elaborate outfits and props for all on stage. All artists would be encouraged, promoted, and paid handsomely while accompanying them, fostering a culture that revered all of the artists beyond the main performer.   This entourage would follow them as they grew beyond the bounds of Ehlanui and began traveling the rest of the world. Elwynn would become the first Ehlen musician to be invited and perform in Nioyaathep, in a private concert that included a handful of High Priestesses in attendance. Their music was a uniting force among people from every nation and even left an impact on forces beyond. They would continue these travels for over a decade before sending out an announcement that they would be taking an extended break before what would be their final performance.   In their time away, Elwynn had met with a congregation of Elanaah, Artur, and Beirn, where each god stated how they had been touched by the mortal's music. They offered the musician the chance to go through the Rite of Ascension and become a god. They had already amassed a following that worshipped them and their behavior and goodwill towards the arts already established them as a worthy candidate. Elwynn accepted and the rest is history.   One year after their disappearance, the stage for the final performance was set up in a field east of Amaranthine. Thousands were in attendance in a crowd that included nobles and politicians from far corners of the world. When Elwynn took the stage at twilight, their known and expected beauty was eclipsed by the ethereal aura surrounding their being. The crowd knew that the individual before them was no mere mortal anymore. A performance of the conflicts of the gods and mortals throughout history culminated in their hopes for a brighter future for the world. Their final songs were of their experience; a life dedicated to the pursuit of art and music, the sorrow of ever-chasing perfection, and the magic of his transformation from child merchant, to beloved celebrity, to minor deity of the realm.   The performance was legendary. All in attendance would treasure the experience and remark that words could not describe it. The news would report to those that missed the opportunity that this was an event "truly worthy of the gods". Musicians and artists throughout the world would revere Elwynn for their divine work and prayers for his blessings continue to be heard in opera houses and performance halls to this day.
Icons of Elwynn
  Elwynn bears the appearance of an androgynous Ehlen with long, silvery-white hair. Although many have argued that their form is more masculine, they have a gentleness to their sharp features and an ever-changing voice that continues to evade the answer. They were tall and lean with gaunt cheeks and eyes of a somber gold.   As their appearance was the most recent of the gods, well near the end of the Age of Risen Expansion, many artworks exist of them as they would cater to any modeling requests made of them, provided the time and manner were reasonable. They are pictured in a variety of fine and elaborate outfits. Jackets, blouses, fine dresses made of fabrics from all around the world, and more all adorned their figure.   Above all, they had a penchant for large hats with brims that were all too wide. Each would be adorned with exotic feathers and furs and became as recognizable for their presence as their harp.   Icons depicting their worship are of their silver harp with a lotus flower set beside it. The harp is almost synonymous with the wielder, and they always made it known that the lotus flower was their favorite, using it in many of their stage decorations.


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