Godstones Geographic Location in Nora | World Anvil


"I could hear him and feel him, I swear! With this very hand of mine laid upon the stones Artur spoke to me and here now speaks through me! Bring justice back to La Patria! Find the stones -- find the stones and throw yourself upon them to receive the truth of the gods!" - Self-proclaimed Prophet of Sicerrone, arrested shortly afterwards for disturbing the peace.
  Shrouded in mystery, the Godstones are one of the many wondrous phenomenons across the surface of Nora. They are found as a set of three pillar-like stones in a triangle formation. Each stone has a set of runes carved into their face, in a language that is said to be unknown yet familiar at the same time. They are uneven, but reach between eleven and fifteen feet high from the ground.   The stones themselves are said to act as a direct link to the gods. Whereas altars and temples are meant to enhance your prayers as a focal point, the stones will magnify them incredibly and often provide answers in return. Many have claimed to reach direct communication with one of the gods, receiving divine insight or blessings while visiting the stones. This has made their discovery invaluable to Risen of any faith as nearly all bear a desire to speak with their favored gods. Priests and kings around the world have offered great treasures to any who could bring them to visit the Godstones.   One of their greatest mysteries is how one comes across the Godstones in the first place. There seems to be no set location; many who have claimed to find them have left to find others and bring them to it, only to discover the stones missing when they return. The Godstones seem to move or travel somehow, appearing at various locations in the wilds across Nora. They appear and disappear with out any warning or any sense of understanding which many have deemed to be the exact purpose.   It is believed that the stones will show themselves to those faithful who are stuck at a crossroads in life, or who are the most deserving of an audience with the gods. Many who have claimed to visit the Godstones said that it appeared when they were at their lowest point, or stuck in an impossible situation. Though of course they can not ever show others the evidence of their discovery when no evidence is left behind.

No Limit to Location

  Although the stones seem to be made from the same granite-like material, they have been rumored to be found in nearly every corner of the world regardless if that stone could be found for hundreds of miles. Dahlen have claimed to find them in The Sands of Sturn, Dwehrlen claim to have seen them in the tunnels below Tor Karrick, and a member of Jean Montange's crew swears he found a set in The Frozen Wastes. Impossible or a miracle, there have been to many sightings across every culture to outright deny their existence.


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