Hidefolk and Shellfolk

Hidefolk and Shellfolk, Risen of the Wild

  The Hidefolk and Shellfolk represent the variety of minor Risen races created by Deign. Their creation followed the Dwehrlen, and marked the first - and thus far, only - time where a god had created more than one Risen. Deign's love for the armored animals that Seigna had created didn't stop at the pangolins. Despite those being his favorite, he was enamored with the resilience and ferocity of the reptiles she had created as well, and desired to give these Risen status as well. It is without a doubt that he would have continued making more species of animals into Risen if Artur and Elanaah had not intervened.   Crocodilians, lizards, turtles and tortoises all were Ascended into becoming Risen. Their numbers were much smaller than the other Risen and have remained low throughout history in comparison. Due to this, they are usually lumped in together despite how different they can all be. As a whole they tend to be bipedal and larger than the average Risen; a majority of crocodilian Hidefolk and those based off of larger lizards and tortoises can be just as immense as Ohrlen, if not more so.    Their races are typically split into different tribes made up of those of a singular species. Nioyaathep, Mahangagahere, Luksi in Tamaha, and Das Konigreich all bear the largest populations of Hidefolk and Shellfolk. Wherever the animals they are Ascended from can be found, so can they.   
  Much akin to Humans, the personalities of Hidefolk and Shellfolk vary wildly between the different species. The Shellfolk can range from kindhearted souls to aggressive ambush predators. The Hidefolk can be gentle and nurturing or utterly barbaric and bloodthirsty. Most of them remain uncivilized and are stereotyped to be feral in nature. These views are not entirely wrong - on average they tend to be focused on one thing and one thing only - survival. If making friends in their situation would be beneficial to their survival, they will make them. Though sacrificing a friend for survival can be just as tempting.  
  Outside of the rare civilized individual, the majority of Hidefolk and Shellfolk align themselves in small, likeminded tribes. In these tribes their lives and culture survive around one thing - survival. Most tribes enact a strict hierarchy solely based off of the strength of it's individual members. The strong survive and breed to continue the tribe's legacy while the weak are either cast aside or eaten by the others. Outsiders typically receive the latter treatment. If an individual is not seen as adding strength to the tribe while alive, they add strength to the tribe while dead.    The Hidefolk and Shellfolk engage in cannibalism regularly. Deign views this as an unfortunate matter of circumstance, but understands it is in their primal nature and part of life's strange beauty. He does wish though that he had been able to nurture them more closely. They didn't take up crafting like their creator, instead leading lives inspired by the warlike tendencies of Orloch, or the ritualistic notions of Mortair. Counter to Deign's wishes, Mortair taught them the art of rituals and sacrifice.   Hidefolk in particularly took strongly to these rituals. They did not use this to worship the gods, however - despite Mortair gaining power from all such rituals - they worshipped themselves and aspects of their primal life. Many tribal chieftains have become significantly powerful shamans and have learned different forms of Magick to support them in expanding their tribe and territory. The number of Hidefolk and Shellfolk remains low compared to the other Risen, though they have been slowly rising.

Articles under Hidefolk and Shellfolk


Author's Notes

In-Game Mechanics   Risen of Beastly Variety

  • Hidefolk and Shellfolk start with two points in Endurance and one other attribute based off of their species, to be determined by the DM 
  • Hidefolk and Shellfolk gain advantage on ability checks related to survival
  • Hidefolk and Shellfolk ignore the penalties for movement on non-magickal difficult terrain
Hidefolk and Shellfolk will receive two or three other starting traits dependent on their base species, to be determined by the DM

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