
Slayer of Emperors
"You can see him stand out, my son, there - amongst the knights, that one with the helmet... That is a true Kaisermörder in the flesh. A champion of our people. That is the living testament to the resilience of Das Konigreich. Bow low when he passes, my son. A hero walks before you." - A civilian to his child during a Konigreich military parade.
  If one were to ask a Risen their opinion on what would be the deadliest Magickal Beast on land, the answer would unanimously be the Kaiser Drake. Their monstrous size is dwarfed only by their power; immense physical strength supported by extensive magickal prowess. Beyond the plague of the Gottstürms the people of Das Konigreich have had their misery multiplied by the threat of these creatures being native to their country alone. In the nation's earliest days, established cities even in places impervious to the wrath of the storms were not safe due to the threat of the Kaiser Drakes. Before their people were gift Magick alongside the rest of the Risen, it would take a verified army to subdue one of the beasts. Now still they represent a threat beyond reasonable measure; yet there are those few individuals with the power to overcome them.   A Kaisermörder is an individual who has personally slain a Kaiser Drake. There is no reward for members of an army defeating it with a variety of siege weaponry and coordinated forces, no - this is only for the few individuals that have faced one of the beasts in personal combat and emerged victorious. It is a seemingly impossible task even for small parties of seasoned individuals, yet the title exists for a reason. No amount of money, no familial connection, no measure of political influence can earn the rank of Kaisermörder; only the direct slaying of the beast and the presentation of their corpse to the king can earn this.  
Symbols of Their Authority
  With the title of Kaisermörder comes immense privilege in relevance to the kill. The individual is promoted to a position of nobility and is granted their choice of either a residence in the castle of the king, or land and a hall in the territory of their choice. Most often they are given a Kommandant position in the military and a platoon of knights to act as retainers, should they not already be in such a position. Their noble position commands them respect and complimentary services wherever they roam in the nation. They are easily recognizable by their attire; most notably they wear a suit of armor crafted from the remains of the particular Kaiser Drake they have slain, topped by a set of pauldrons fashioned out of the skull of the beast. A glimmering green cloak of Kaiser Drake hide hangs from the jaw.   While those outside of Das Konigreich may not pay relevancy to the position in the nobility or their military rank, none denies the significance of the Kaiser Drake's skull. If the person in question is a legitimate Kaisermörder and not an imitator, they are powerful enough to slay the beast. A Kaiser Drake can decimate a town or city on their own - what monster of a Risen could rival that force?
Surviving Kaisermörder
  Currently, there are only two living Kaisermörder, Göbel Hellenbrecht and Zigmund Franz, Knight Kommandant and Prince of Das Konigreich, respectfully. There was a time when their numbers were higher, seven at most during the early days of Das Konigreich, but the number of Kaiser Drakes has decreased significantly in recent centuries. This would normally be a pleasing thought, but where there population has lessened, the Drake's individual power has multiplied. Even one can now be seen as a cataclysmic threat should it set it's sight on civilization.
Nobility, Military
Controversy Amongst Kaisermörders
  The two surviving Kaisermörders, the Knight Kommandant and the Prince, have both slain a Kaiser Drake and have earned their titles. However, among the citizens there is a common controversy and argument that the two are unequal and that the Prince may not deserve the title. Göbel slayed his Drake in single combat, having watched it decimate his fellow knights without a scratch. He was the sole contender, a standard knight, and dragged the head of the beast back to the king's castle on his own. Prince Zigmund had the support of both the royal armory and the pair of Magi attendants at his back. The claims state that they are unequal, despite both achieving a kill. Göbel's official comment addressing these claims has been simple. "A kill is a kill. His Majesty the Prince has slain a Drake, long may we bask in his royalty."


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