
Tribesman of Luksi
  The Tamahan tribe located in the coastal village of Luksi is primarily comprised of Shellfolk, though there are a fair number of Ohrlen in the community as well. The Risen in the village have adapted to a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The Shellfolk bear a broad, streamlined shell and powerful limbs to propel through the water, and the Ohrlen are very lean in comparison their mainland cousins. The clothing they wear is minimal at best - knee-length textile wraps of bright colors or skirts and sandals made from the long leaves of local flora. These will often be accompanied by varying pieces of jewelry made from bone, shells, or coral bits that they harvest offshore. Their weapons are primarily the tools they use, mostly comprised of various spears, sickles, and the occasional hatchet.  
Island Life
  The Luksin have developed a proud and prosperous lifestyle based off of the teachings leftover from generations of their islander ancestors. Tamaha has rarely seen war on it's soil, and the island on it's northern side even less so. This resulted in the Luksin having relatively no military, instead focusing on economy and the welfare of their people. The majority of the Luksin live on or just off of the northern coast of the island. Many of them have built huts and villas offshore, some with the only entrance accessible via swimming underwater. They have a few large communal building built on the shore for gatherings and the occasional festival, the most important of which being a long dock leading offshore to accept trade vessels looking for their valued exports.   Island Life for the tribesman is very natural and primitive - yet the Luksin regard this 'primitivity' as an honor and a blessing that they could live such plentiful lives without the reliance on the technology and infrastructure of the large cities of the world. They have no livestock farms and get their food solely through hunting and gathering for local resources. The two most prominent pieces of their diet are the wealth of fish in the nearby waters, and the island's fruit inland. The Luksin take care of each other, providing food for those too sick or elderly to provide for themselves, but expect it to be repaid; the sick share after they return to health, and the elderly repay with their knowledge and skill. Narcotics grown and produced on the island are a part of daily like in Luksi, used both for entertainment as well as in the search for spiritual enlightenment.    The Luksin are monogamous and will often form their relationships early on in life, marrying before they see the end of their second decade of life. The structure of childhood is much more loose as they often living separate from the parents from very young ages, moving with the elders a few months after birth, and living on their own once they are of age to swim and fish on their own. The elders of the tribe are held in high regard for their experience after a long life. They will usually be in charge of looking after and teaching the youth until they are at an age where they can fend for themselves in the village. It is often the elderly as well who are in charge of producing many of the luxury goods the tribe exports through foreign traders.   
Luksin Exports
  The tribe is extremely well known for the luxury goods they produce and sell. While their coral and shell based jewelry is highly sought after by collectors, their most heavily demanded export is by and far their narcotics. The coral fields offshore host a particular species of eel, the Iasintilombish or "Eel of the Soul", which produces a toxin meant to paralyze their victim. When smoked in low doses after being process, the venom of the eel will cause a sensation of euphoria accompanied by altered senses and powerful hallucinations. The Luksin have used this for generations in rituals as well as in their daily life as a way to relax and entertain themselves or in the pursuit of enlightenment. Luksin oracles will take this frequently in high doses, using their hallucinations to foretell the future or provide guidance for those who seek it.    Once discovered by others, the narcotic simply referred to as Lombish became highly demanded and sought after. The tribe was small and frequently harvested more Lombish than they could consume on their own, and turned to selling it to bring in foreign luxuries such as gold, wine, and the occasional magickal apparatus. Many Ohrlen native to the main body of Tamaha farm tobacco, which is traded to the Luksin as they will lace the tobacco products with Lombish for a different method of consumption.


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