
Where the Sky Touches the Land

  In the northern section of The Freelands, there is an area of land sitting at an oddly higher elevation than the land around it. Around it are a series of cliffs and canyons that separate it from the lower lands with an almost insurmountable barrier outside of the three direct entrances. The land around it forms three slopes that lead to the flat peak where its famed denizens live.   The land itself is mostly clay-based, with occasional shrubbage. There are no trees or forests to break the monotony of the plain-like top of Mak'Nanda. A large river tributary lies to the west and offers fertile farmland for paddy farming on the western slope. The high elevation brings the land close to the clouds above the world, leading to a combination of harsh sunlight and storms alike. The combination of high heat and hard rain has created a unique lifestyle for the residents that reflects in their resilient character.   Large beasts roam the platform, particularly among the western slope by the river. Canyon Crawlers, Caravan Lizards, and Nanda Yaks all call the region home. Caravan Lizards, known for their strength and pleasant demeanor, have been a chief export after their domestication for their use in rough climates. The Nanda Yaks have been less successful outside of Mak'Nanda, having difficulty surviving elsewhere. They have instead been developed into livestock for the local population.  

Strange Place, Strange People

  At the flat top of Mak'Nanda, there lies a settlement of the same name. The settlement is the one place throughout all of Nora where the giants and halflings live in peace. The giants have been named such as their heights have reached well over twelve feet, dwarfing even the tallest of Ohrlen. The halflings, however, resemble Ehrlen or Humans with the height of Dwehrlen, barely reaching above three feet tall. Rejects of their own races with mutated genes, they have allied with one another after sharing their common plight. The two species now live in a symbiotic relationship with one another and continue to develop this large area into a permanent home for them all.   Their differences have led them to match each other's lifestyles and cover their weaknesses. The large giants handle the heavy lifting, pulling tillers to cultivate the land and hauling stones as well as other building materials. Meanwhile, the halflings follow them by planting seeds, sewing patches in clothing, and tending to the detailed work. Years together have built a tight bond between the two peoples as well as a flourishing settlement.
An Unusual Landscape
The very nature of how Mak'Nanda is shaped remains a mystery to this day. Mak'nanda's cliffs and canyons alongside the raised area make it look as if the land was lifted or rather pushed from beneath.   Despite the elevation reaching nearly to the clouds, the land remains wrapped in a hot climate.   Many have theorized that the rising platforms and outlining canyons were the work of the gods designing a unique home and environment.   Others theorize that some other entity is trapped beneath the earth here, causing the cracks and the raised plateau.


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Jul 15, 2024 14:39 by Seraph Abell

This place sounds really cool!

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.
Jul 15, 2024 14:58 by Devon Eilers

Thank you! <3 I will definitely be adding more to it in the future, I am just working on hitting my one article a day for Summercamp.

Jul 15, 2024 15:03 by Seraph Abell

Ofc and oh yeah no I feel that. Good luck, friend!

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.
Aug 14, 2024 03:24 by Lady Wynter

Definitely a unique place. It's interesting to see giants and halflings living and working together. Wouldn't mind seeing a bit more about the geology and mythology of the place.

Bringing the Light