
Naig, Mistress of All Devils

  Naig, also known as the Dark Matriarch, the Horned Deceiver, and the Archdevil, is a powerful entity responsible for the creation of all devils and is blamed for the wickedness in the hearts of evil Risen. Her origins are a mystery. Some theorize that she was born at the same time as the gods, as they were to create and be good to the world, she was to corrupt and to take advantage of it. Others theorize that she was an Archfey with her pension for binding contracts. When asked by one woman brave enough to question her on her origins, she replied "I'm a woman, just like you. Only wiser, more powerful, and far more beautiful." She claims that her power rivals the gods themselves, and that not even Artur can challenge her authority. And, so far, none have.   Her dominion is spread throughout the world, wherever wicked and desperate Risen might seek what they believe to be an easy route to power and solutions. She employs a countless number of devils under her rule who operate to her wishes, negotiating contracts with the Risen. Though her desires and grand purpose is unknown, she relishes in taking advantage of the weak and evil, her bargains granted nearly always through malign intent. As the ages move on and the amount of wicked hearts has grown, so has her power and influence.   The path to Naig's home dominion has never been discovered by a member of the Risen. Though many have been there through portals conjured by her servant devils, none know of how to get there on foot. The sky is open and black, while the stone runs red and gold. With no cave ceiling above them, it must be on the surface, though it matches no known geography. Some theorize it may be an area in the Realm of the Fae, while some Arcane practitioners believe she resides in a pocket dimension, something only accomplished by Archmages at the peak of their power.   With the gods seemingly stepping away from the surface affairs of Nora, Naig has stepped in, cementing herself as one of the great powers of the world. Where Baal seeks to destroy or uproot the works of the gods, Naig seeks to corrupt and control.  
Appearance and Depictions
  Naig's racial origins are difficult to point to based on her appearance. Though she bears the tall and supple body of an Ehlen or a Dahlen, she bears a prehensile spined tail and two powerful horns that rise out of her temples. She has a set of powerful fangs and a forked tongue that she proudly displays. Her horns are majority black, but the fluted ridges pulse yellow and red like hot metal from the forge. A crown of fire rests between them, floating above her smooth black hair. She wears a dress of black and gold plate and chainmail running the length of her body but leaving her legs exposed besides her shinplates. She is said to conjure a variety of weapons from thin air, but her favorites are a spear and shortsword combination. Emblems depicting her worship are a brand of her horns and crown on her followers and debtors, the size and location of which varying based off of devotion and size of the debt. Artworks depicting her will be statues and murals dedicated to her worship in dark temples, or the rare sketch of her likeness in texts to warn others of her influence.  
Powers and Followers
  Naig is said to possess immense strength despite her small figure, enough to even rival Orloch in combat, at least until his rage kicks in. She uses a combination of her martial skill with weaponry and her prowess over smoke and fire elemental magicks. She can conjure a wide variety of weapons into her hands so that she is never without one. Though her best power lies in her contracts - a key feature of her and her devils. Any who sign or agree to a contract with her must pay the designated price. This has often led to her gaining complete control over an individual and their actions. Many fear that her influence has led to control in the highest circles of society, and that even some demigods may be subject to her desires.   Followers of Naig can be found the world over, whether a member of her legion of devils or one of the countless men or women desperate or foolish enough to strike a deal with her. Many who do ultimately fall into her service, joining cults and establishing secret sects and temples hidden in or underneath cities to spread her worship and undermine civilization. The Sons of the Dark Matriarch are the most infamous of these cults, regularly kidnapping and sacrificing those who do not convert to her worship.


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