
God of War and Conquest

"Emotions and circumstances are no excuses for power. Power is power. There is to be no substitution for strength. If you desire something, take it with your own hands and decimate those in your way. Destiny is yours to grasp." - Orloch, addressing the young Ohrlen.
  Orloch, also known as the Warfather, the Brutalizer, and the Three-Eyed God, was the third god to emerge in the second wave of gods from Nora's blood. Whereas Deign was born with kindness and sympathy and Seigna with her unresponsive apathy, Orloch was born with a wave of great anger in his heart. His kin met the delegation of the first wave of gods with Artur, Elanaah, Sturn, and Firna with easy acceptance. Orloch recognized them as fellow gods but refused to acknowledge Artur as their leader outright. A leader of gods should be nothing if not the strongest among them. He challenged Artur to combat and immediately charged the Lawbringer, almost overtaking him with his raw strength immediately.   Once Artur had come to terms with what was transpiring here, their battle continued on in earnest. Whether it was from his early surprise or actual weakness in the face of Orloch's onslaught of blows, it was clear to all watching that Artur was losing ground. Elanaah, Artur's wife and earliest compatriot, used her power over the flora around them to bring great roots from the earth and subdue Orloch with her husband's assistance. The new angry god spat on the earth, admitting his defeat by grumbling about the two of them. He was less upset about his defeat from Elanaah's interference than he was at the fact that he wasn't strong enough to beat the both of them singlehandedly.   The first Council of the Gods was called into action as Artur explained Stirna's Decree given to them earlier alongside Sturn and Firna. They were to spread throughout the world and fill it with life and creations of their own desire. Quick to action and decision, Orloch remained in their presence long enough to witness Artur create the humans. He left finally to a great island in the ocean that would soon come to be known as Tamaha. It was here that he created the Ohrlen, the largest and most physically gifted species of Risen. They each stood at least eight feet tall, some even above ten, and bristled with heavy muscle that belied their great strength. These would become his great warrior children and fulfill his vain desire of establishing superiority over the other Risen races.   Orloch created the concept of war and conquest as borders began to be established between the different Risen nations. The first murder took place under his watch, a feud between two Ohrlen over hunting territory that ended in death. Despite the love that each god was meant to possess over their children, Orloch reveled in the bloodshed. He encouraged the Ohrlen to create boats and war parties that would spread out to the mainland of the surrounding conflicts and raid Human and Ehrlen settlements. Almost every god asides from Seigna voiced their displeasure with his actions, but he explained that he was simply creating as they were. The conflict would make the world lively and interesting, as well as keep certain populations and creeds in check.   Seigna welcomed his conflicts and returned with hers in kind, some Ehrlen war parties even making it all the way back out to Tamaha. The Ohrlen openly declared war upon the Ehrlen in what would later be referred to as the Brother's War. The first war proved to be a particularly bloody one as each god supported their own Risen and clashed with one another on the battlefield regularly throughout the years. Deign's invention of weapons and armaments only furthered the bloodshed here, especially when Orloch and Seigna were presented with their own gear made special for each of them.   Orloch was clearly her superior in strength, but Seigna matched and even exceeded him in speed and strategy. Her arrows would regularly find him as he waded straight into various conflicts. These conflicts between the two turned Orloch's desire for war into a lust for conquest over Seigna. The Great Huntress had no desire for a husband or wife, yet she began to welcome his affections toward her. She invited him to hunt her for eternity, a prize to be caught, but a soul never to be conquered. The Warfather welcomed this challenge and chased her across the world even as the war ended. Occasionally he would catch her, be it through luck and determination or through her own fleeting desires to be caught, and would spend a night or two entangled in one another.   The two gods never formally married, but their occasional union led to the birth of a daughter, Camille. She would grow into a powerful god of psionic prowess in her own right but would remain lesser known and abstain from the major conflicts and drama of the gods. Orloch would present an affection for his daughter and would be quick to defend her despite his stance of protecting one's own self, but would remain a largely absent father. He was never one for familial ties and instead focused on raising the Ohrlen up as a powerful force as well as enhancing his own image through his vain desires.   It was around this time that Beirn would go through the Rite of Ascension to become the first Risen-turned-God. Orloch had no opposition to the decision; he already had disowned Beirn as a true Ohrlen for his refusal to take part in the battle. He was welcome to be rid of the pacifist but was wary of the ramifications this posed in inspiring other Ohrlen to the clause. Ultimately it was their decision in the case of free will, and any were able to choose what he referred to as the 'path of weakness'. He held respect for Deign and Beirn as gods but remained fervent in his disposition to resolve conflict with violence.   When Sturn was brought to trial for giving Magick to the Dahlen, Orloch was the first to speak his disapproval of Artur, even though he was not on the Serpent God's side in the beginning. He called the entire trial a sham and a waste of time, declaring that none of these gods should have a say in the matter outside of the two. If Artur was to insist upon his laws, he should back them with strength and steel. And if Sturn was to oppose them, he should strike down Artur and establish laws of his own. Orloch called Artur's leadership into question again as he wished to have another go at the Lawbringer and settle their own disparities with their fists. The Council ultimately decided that it wasn't necessary, as many of the members sided with Sturn with Artur relenting as Magick was made available to the Risen.   Orloch ensured that the use of Magick became widespread amongst the Ohrlen. The primary uses he would teach them would be those of self-enhancement and shamanic rites, focusing on anything that would increase their physical prowess and battle capabilities. Making his Risen even stronger beyond the limits of their already capable physical forms brought him great pleasure. However, following Beirn's ascension to godhood, more and more Ohrlen were beginning to transition into more peaceful lives. Orloch could not force them into following his ideals, given the Law of Free Will, but he could and did strip them of his favor and divine gifts. This burgeoning caste of the Ohrlen who were disowned by their creator and forced to take up the worship of other gods to placate their religious fervor.   The Warfather was called upon once again to take place in a trial of Artur's actions against Sturn. Although he was absent from the birth of the new set of twins, as he cared little for such sentimentalities, it did not take him long to realize what the issue was. He found it almost comedic at first, laughing at Artur much to the Lawbringer's anger. His answer to the crime was simple; let the two conflicting gods battle for supremacy and the winner gets to decide their fate. Naturally, only Seigna supported him in this decision as even Camille abstained from the vote. Orloch would be one of the only gods to visit Sturn in his holding cell just to encourage him further towards taking up arms.   The trial ended without violence as Sturn accepted his judgment and left for the Realm of the Dead. The Council of the Gods had disbanded shortly afterward. Orloch remained in Tamaha for a time unbothered as he never cared too much for the intentions of the other gods, but he noticed the change that was spreading throughout the Risen now. They had no further need for the gods or their machinations. Resolved to chase Seigna wherever she went and to keep Artur constantly in check, Orloch left along with the others to their next destination.  
The Warfather
  Orloch possesses the powers of divine creation. In accordance with the divine purpose shared with the gods from Stirna's Decree, he used these powers to create the Ohrlen. The most physically imposing of the Risen races, the Ohrlen stand up to several feet above their kin, some even reaching above ten feet tall with large muscular frames. Their homeland of Tamaha is found in the oceans east of The Freelands where they roam the rolling plains and hills in a naturalistic lifestyle. Despite many of the changes in their culture throughout the year, Ohrlen are still renowned for their capabilities as soldiers and mercenaries throughout the world.   In addition to the Ohrlen, Orloch created the concepts of war and conquest. He was the only god to ever directly challenge Artur's rule and personally oversaw the first murder in the world as the Ohrlen began to have border disputes with one another. After Deign began smithing and crafting the divine armaments that he would spread amongst the gods, the Warfather commissioned a spear and tomahawk that he would name the Foepiercer and Earthsplitter, respectively. He convinced his Risen to go to war and invade other countries for resources and even convinced the other races to join as well, offering gifts to those who would prove themselves in battle. The Warfather would occasionally appear in the middle of conflicts in the early days of the Risen, wading into battle with his weapons in hand.   Outside of his refusal to adapt to combat tactics, Orloch was peerless amongst the gods in actual combat abilities. His powers lacked the flair of his kin as he demonstrated no supernatural abilities beyond his physical form, but he never felt the need for them. His physical strength was unmatched as he could hurl his spear for miles and create great cracks in the earth when he swung his tomahawk. The Warfather also possesses immense durability and a healing factor unlike any other. Many times in battle, he was recorded to receive such wounds that even a god would not have been believed to survive, yet Orloch would walk out unphased or even stronger than before. The more blood that flowed from him, the stronger and faster he would become in each conflict.
Icons of Orloch
  Orloch is both the tallest and most muscular of the gods. He bears the appearance of an Ohrlen, having made them in his image, though he bears ivory white skin and three black eyes. Two tusk-like fangs protruded from his lower lips, and jagged scars cover his body from the countless battle he has been through with his fellow gods. For armaments, he wears a scale mail skirt and plate spaulders held together by a series of belts strapped across his torso. He wields Foepiercer and Earthsplitter, a matched pair of spear and tomahawk crafted for him by Deign. Artwork and statuary of his likeness will often depict him posed in battle or proudly watching over Tamaha.   Emblems depicting his worship are in the shape of a skull with a spear piercing it vertically. While the colors vary, dark, bloody reds and bright whites are the most common colors associated with his worship. Smearing the blood of an enemy on the emblem is a common practice of his worshippers and they will regularly be caked with dried blood.  
Worshippers of the Warfather
  Being the God of War and Conquest, Orloch does not have standard priests like many of his kin. He actually rejects most common forms of prayer and worship as he views Risen who spend too much time praying for the assistance of the gods as weak, needing divine favor like a crutch to get through life. Instead, he asks his followers to express their worship of him through battle, dedicating their conquests and victories in his name. Altars to Orloch can still be found within the Church of Combined Faiths but are little more than a formality.   In exchange for success in combat dedicated to him, the Warfather will often grant his blessings in the form of enhanced physical attributes. Accomplished war priests of the Ohrlen all boast unnatural levels of might, agility, or endurance. It is believed that in great times of war, Orloch will choose an avatar to act as his vessel on the battlefield.  
The Three Eyed God
  One of Orloch's most defining characteristics would be his third eye in the center of his forehead. Risen and god alike have taken their guesses at the significance of such a feature, believing that all of those born from Nora's blood would only possess beneficial characteristics. Orloch has never answered or given any significance to inquiries into its purpose or believed powers. Many theorize that he hides whatever powers the eye bestows him to keep it as a secret edge that he holds over opponents.   His daughter Camille was born as the only other god with three eyes. Hers has become a symbol of her psionic gift as she has gone to demonstrate her telepathic and telekinetic prowess. Orloch has shown no such abilities, but this has not stopped researchers and his followers from spreading rumors of enhanced insight, thought reading, or even precognition being hidden in the Warfather's repertoire.


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