
God of Weather and Storms

      Rufio, also known as the Stormbird or He Who Rides the Winds, is the only child born of Deign and Beirn's union. Unable to have children of their own, the two gods combined their blood in within the egg of a Blue Jay, fertilizing it and creating a child of their own through Deign's use of divine creation. The egg would continue to grow until it reached a size large enough to birth a human child before hatching Rufio from within. He was pale, unlike his fathers, and adorned nearly all over his body with the colorful feathers denoting the egg from which he came. The two gods promised to raise him with all the love they could muster as he developed into a god in his own right. Although small for a god at his birth, he grew tall and nimble, quickly exceeding the height of both his fathers.   His ability to fly was demonstrated at birth, and not from his feathered appendages, but from his mastery over the winds. Rufio conjured powerful gusts wherever he went and used these to lift himself into the air and carry him wherever he desired. It was a rare occurence for him to ever set his feet upon the ground. His mastery over the wind soon blossomed into a mastery of weather. Rufio would change the elements around him in ways that only a god could; heavy rains would pour over the deserts, harsh sun would dry the marshes, torrential waves would follow him as he crossed the oceans. Many would note that he lacked the emotional control of his parents and this would often reveal itself in his powers.    
The Stormbird
"To question the will of the gods is foolishness, if not heresy. In your ignorance, you received my apathy. From your arrogance, you have earned my wrath. My storms will rage on towards eternity until your people plead for my forgiveness." - Rufio addressing Das Konigreich prior to unleashing the Göttsturms


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