The Rot

Life Decaying From Within

  It is not often that Risen live long enough to die of old age. Conflict, mishaps, magickal beasts, and more result in a shorter expected lifespan than one can reasonably achieve. Those who do live to see their elderly years, however, are far from out of the woods. Bones become brittle, the mind softens, and disease begins to creep in. No disease known to the Risen so far is more daunting or formidable than the Rot.   The Rot is a disease most often encountered by the elderly, particularly those with potent magicks flowing through their veins. Early signs begin with a constant fatigue, chronic pains in the torso, and unexpected losses of weight and appetite. Further development of the disease is noted by internal bleeding discovered most often through coughing or regular nose bleeds. The disease itself is where the magick inside a Risen's body, the very essence of their creation, begins to decay, causing their organs to rot inside of their body. This decay will spread to other organs and continue to decay until these organs fail and the host dies.   Risen with potent magicks are known to live well beyond the confines of the average age belonging to their race. However, as they reach these elderly years, they become much more susceptible to the Rot. Gifted individuals turn the question of developing the disease from an if to a when. As it is the decay of the magicks within their body, those with a higher collection in them bear a larger risk as well as an enhanced process. Many will see themselves deteriorating to the point of being mundane, losing their enhanced strength or access to arcane abilities in the time leading to their death.   Currently, no cure for the Rot exists. It is a completely fatal disease targeting the elderly and the gifted. Some believe it is an affliction from a deity; perhaps Sturn wishes to send all Risen to his realm, or perhaps a demon has made it their mission to bring suffering. Others believe it is a punishment for the folly of the long-lived, proving that no one is above death and that we all must succumb to it when our time is due.
In Every End, A Beginning
  With no cure in sight, the Rot is a guaranteed death to those afflicted. A healthy and stress-free lifestyle can push back the finish line, but this only delays the inevitable. Some succumb to a deep melancholy and live their final days in melancholy and regret. Others view this as the start of their new life, viewing the world through a new lens of peaceful finality.   Afflicted individuals are encouraged to seek calm and familiar environments. Many deny this advice, pushing themselves to seek thrills and new experiences. They venture out without mortal fears to hold them back from chasing dreams of their past.   This is often referred to as the 'twilight period' in the development stages of the Rot, where the life-changing news drives individuals to find peace with their finality, and truly live what little life they have left.


Author's Notes

As far as symptoms and other traits go, The Rot is directly a parallel for cancer in our world.
The potency of Magick within a Risen, being hereditary genes or through laborious efforts, increases the likelihood and side effects, akin to living a dangerous or hard life, as well as those who are pre-disposed to it due to lineage.
There is no cure. Life does not always find a way. But sometimes it takes having a deadline to truly get started.

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