Unalloyed Gold

Purity Against Corruption

  Gold has long held value in many cultures throughout the world and maintains its position as a common currency. With its value, however, the minting of coins has been muddled with the addition of cheaper metals such as copper and iron to increase the coinage in circulation while keeping costs down. Unalloyed gold is the title retained for gold that is refined with the removal or without adding any metals to keep gold at its highest value.   Also known as pure gold, unalloyed gold is often referred to as one of the most precious materials throughout the world. It is only rivaled and rarely surpassed by Magick Stones or other reagents from magickal beasts. Gold in its purest form shines with a beautiful yellow luster and is in high demand from wealthy and affluent individuals for its use in jewelry and decoration. Though none place unalloyed gold in a higher favor than the Arturians.   As Artur is commonly depicted as having golden hair, wearing a golden breastplate, and summoning chains of the purest gold, the Arturians have always flocked to unalloyed gold when it is available. Artur used his domains of law and order to root out corruption in this world and the realms beyond, so as pure gold is attributed to him, it is believed to naturally have powers to resist corruption as well as arcane magicks. Arturians use this pure gold to bolster their arms and armaments in an attempt to give them a larger advantage against demons and magi alike. They are rumored to possess the largest stores of unalloyed gold hidden in their churches throughout all of Nora, surpassing even the great vault of the Marquis of La Patria.   The largest gold mines in the world are found throughout the Worldspine, with the greatest of them belonging to the Dwehrlen of The Stoneroots. The Dwehrlen have always been a non-materialistic sort, preferring the mastery of their skills and ethics over material concerns. They have always possessed a disposition for kindness and sharing that has surpassed their greed to hoard such a valued material. La Patria and Ehlanui both have solidified themselves as neighbors and allies to protect the Dwehrlen claims over the gold mines, finding them to be the fairest in their dealings and thus the most fit to monitor and disperse the gold they mine.
Strengthen and Maintain
  Gold on its own has always been one of the softest metals to work with. It is for this reason that most jewelers and smiths using fine metal will alloy it with other stronger metals to keep it workable and ensure that it will last longer.   For their use in arms and armor, the Arturians have discovered that divine enchantments can still affect gold without losing its other properties. They regularly apply the blessings of Artur to their equipment, both in the field as well as the forging process, granting them a much higher resilience and increasing their uses for combat purposes.   Others have tried replicating this and while the pristesses of Sturn have come close to enchanting and using unalloyed gold, their efforts have still paled in comparison to the devout Arturians.


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