White Wyvern Whistle

Ward Against the Wilds

  Of all the obstacles that terrorize any would-be travelers on the roads, the most common and deadly by far are beasts, both magickal and mundane. The most common and effective way of handling these threats is through the use of hired hands such as mercenaries and monster hunters. However, not all merchants can afford the protection offered by trained bodyguards. Nor can said bodyguards always handle the beastly threats on the road. Always looking to save some money, these merchants turned to local craftsmen for a cheaper solution.   A White Wyvern Whistle is a protection device made popular by the traveling merchants frequenting Sicerrone. The whistle is constructed of wood and bone to recreate the larynx of the namesake White Wyverns. The insides are always lined with bone shavings in a very careful and considerate manner to match the detailed inner chambers of the beast's larynx. It is then affixed to a three-foot length of leather cord for proper testing and use.   When spun in a circular motion overhead, the whistle imitates the hunting screech of a White Wyvern. These wyverns are feared throughout The Worldspine and Surrounding Territories. Even the beasts of La Patria react out of fear to this bone-chilling sound. Merchants and travelers carrying these whistles will sound them any time they fear the threat of beasts while on the road. Any creature that would find itself beneath a White Wyvern on the food chain tends to flee as soon as the whistle sounds.   If the beast stalking a trail would be undeterred by the believed presence of a White Wyvern, the journey was likely doomed from the start.
Right Place, Right Time
  The use of these whistles is strictly prohibited within city limits throughout Ehlanui and La Patria, as well as anywhere within The Stoneroots. Use in confined spaces can lead to deafness in nearby listeners.   As well as the warnings against public spaces, purchasers of the whistle are also warned against use on the mountain trails of the Worldspine where the White Wyverns are regularly found. The month of Kirust in late autumn is perilous as this is the peak mating season for the beasts.   Monster Hunters naturally ignore these warnings regarding the Worldspine, hoping to draw the wyverns to them and their preestablished traps.


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