Golden Age

The period before the God Wars is often referred to by Shurrean scholars as the "Golden Age". Based on fragments of maps, atlases, and globes which have been recovered by archaeologists, it appears likely that all of Norarth's oceans and coastlines had been mapped, though the landmass interiors often have large blank expanses. There is strong evidence that the art and science of magic was much more advanced in this era. This is supported by both surviving arcane texts and the number of strong magical artifacts which have been recovered from old ruins dated to this era.   Ancient fictional texts also imply that magical flight and long-range teleportation were widely known. However, no existing artifacts, spell scrolls, or other physical evidence has been found for these magicks. This has led most scholars to conclude that these texts fantasized the magical flight and teleportation as part of their fictional worlds.   The dissenting view, put forth by only a few scholars, is that it is too soon to reach such a conclusion. Only a tiny fraction of the books and magical artifacts from the Golden Age have survived the God Wars, The Shattering, and the two millennia since then. And of that tiny fraction, even less has been recovered and brought to scholars for study. It is entirely possible that the flight and teleportation mentioned in the fictional works actually existed, but have not yet been rediscovered.

Magic Bias?

Shurrean scholars hold magical knowledge and skill in the highest regard. Since magical knowledge and usage appears to have been greater before the God Wars, this may introduce bias into the conclusions of Shurrean historians. Non-Shurrean scholars claim that Shurreans have downplayed much negative archaeological evidence in order to paint the magically-superior ancient world as also being superior economically, socially, and politically. Thus their use of the term "Golden Age" for this time period.


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