The Scurry

The Scurry is an adventuring party originally recruited by Gundren Rockseeker to escort some wagons from Westport to Phandalin. Since completing that task, they have been active in the Province of Phandalin and Thundertree. The members of the party include:
  • Almalexia
  • Cressidien
  • Koravhik Agu-Vakanu
  • Riswynn
  • Ruu Dawnhammer
  • Sauroff
  • Silvermoon
  • Squirrelly Considered by most of the residents of Phandalin to be the leader of The Scurry.

Former Members

  • Cernan He moves with an experienced precision, maintaining order in all things. He is a tall (6'2"), sturdily-built man with long hair and a full beard, both streaked with gray. He favors darker clothing and armor with reddish hues, a symbolic and literal acceptance of the futility of trying to clean himself of the myriad blood stains that adorn his gear. His face is somewhat careworn, but his golden eyes lose all semblance of kindness when combat ensues.
  • Ravinte
Adventuring Party


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