Wallacian Campaign Session #28

General Summary

  • As the party continued journeying downstream from Cresskill on their new flatboat, Almalexia performed a rather gruesome ritual using body parts she had harvested from the dead Haskills.
  • Over the next few days, Almalexia noticed that faint glowing runes appeared under the surface of her Green Stone Orb of Arcane Focus as she cast spells through it.
  • Nearing Westport, the party spotted a large number of tents and encampments outside the city walls. Natives of Wallacia recognized it as preparations for the annual day of military training & inspections just before the fall Harvest Festival.
  • Koravhik, being a native of the Westport area, told the party that he had to go meet up with his militia unit as soon as they docked.
  • After docking, the party sold the flatboat for scrap for 2 gold.
  • As the party escorted their prisoners through the crowded streets of Old Town, they believe that they spotted Jimbo Haskill ducking around the corner of a building.
  • When they reached the palace complex, they were escorted to constable Otis Clarkson. He recognized the party, and told them they were smart to no longer be associated with the "trouble-maker" Koravhik. He recalled the earlier letter from Harbin Wester, so only paid the party 100 gold for "Black Bart" Haskill and 200 gold for "Big Ed" Haskill.
  • The party tried to warn the constable about Black Bart's ability to teleport when not manacled, but Otis scoffed at them. Shortly after removing the manacles and leading the prisoners away, an alarm was raised as both Black Bart and Big Ed escaped!
  • Val stopped at the small shrine of Mielikki just off the main east-west street to make an offering/prayer.
  • Visiting the Mortar & Pestle apothecary, the party was surprised to see Marcus Dendrar behind the counter. He said that his sister was taking the necklace to their grandmother's house, and that he would running the shop until she returned. He also set all potion prices double for the party; an insight check suggested that he raised the prices because he was holding a grudge against them. The party decided to buy nothing, and instead come back after his sister returned to run the shop.
  • The party overheard rumors of a commotion at the docks. Going to investigate, they found a small flotilla of flatboats, loaded with 226 satyrs and their animals. These turned out to be Almalexia's tribe - they had journeyed to Westport from the far north at Almalexia's suggestion. The party then learned that she had promised her people a home in Cragmaw Castle.
  • They sold the satyr's flatboats for scrap for 50 gold, and resolved to leave town the following day.
  • Overnight, 5 of the new satyrs ran afoul of local laws concerning "private property", and Almalexia had to pay constable Jenkins a 50 gold fine to get them released. Constable Clarkson was not present.
  • Val gave the assembled satyrs a lecture/sermon about private property, and they seemed to take his message to heart (he rolled two nat 20s).
  • Silvermoon went to tell Koravhik that the rest of the party was leaving town for Cragmaw Castle.
  • The journey westward along the Tri-Boar Trail was uneventful until they reached the castle itself. Scouting ahead stealthily, they found evidence that orcs had moved in once again, and had set up a small eagle totem inside the shrine room. The party burned the eagle totem.
  • Outside, Almalexia had stayed with the main body of the satyrs. She was confronted by 6 orcs who demanded a hefty toll for all the satyrs and their animals to pass through their territory. Almalexia refused, and combat began. However, the rest of the party arrived and drove them off.
  • Rewards Granted

    Each player earned 2,500 XP.   Party Loot:  +300 gold

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Turned in "Black Bart" Haskill bounty mission

    Character(s) interacted with

    Report Date
    17 Dec 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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