The Cosmic writing Language in Nordia | World Anvil
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The Cosmic writing

A language long been forgotten in time, written and spoken by entities far from the Material Plane. No one knows exactly where it originated from, but sometime when the Ancients travelled the cosmos the writings appeared in locations around the world, the most famous one: Vault of time and space.   Looking like circles with odd lines, no one has deciphered it. Not even with magical means the language is difficult to understand. Only the greatest of mages or scientists who have studied it for a long long time manages to decipher some of the symbols, or glyphs as they are called.
The Cosmic writing cover
Common Phrases
circle with a squiggly line at 93°
circle crossed with a half-circle and a line at 113°
three circles in a triangle with a line between top and left, squiggly line out right from right circle
Place of distortion
Five circles, placed in a hexagon each with a jagged (two "jags") line between them
Unity among enemies

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