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The Lake Cizrac Monster (sihz-rack)

Transcript of the eyewitness account of a sighting of the Lake Cizrac Monster, as told to Flathac Anotor, in the year 1283 of the Era of Knowledge. Name of interviewee Idas Diveran.   So you want me to tell my name and such?  Uh, okay.  Name's Idas Diveran, I'm a fisherman.  I live in Bazion, on the Bralon side of the lake. I was headed out onto the lake to catch some sweetfish--it's how I make my living, yeah?  People love sweetfish, can't get enough of it!  Anyway.  It was early, because early morning is the best time to catch the sweetfish, before the sun is up.  It was still pretty dark at the docks, but by the time I got out on the water, the light was just starting to streak across the sky, a light mist coming up off the water.  Real pretty, real peaceful.  I set my lines out, started bringing em in real regular, pulling them up almost as soon as my line was in the water.  Went on like this for near half an hour, then they just...stopped.  Doesn't usually happen like that, yeah?  Usually have a few hours of regular bites, then it tapers off.  But this was real sudden.     So I'm stitting there wondering if I should pull my lines and try a different part of the lake, when something bumps into the bottom of my boat.  Just light, the first time, barely able to feel it.  Wasn't too sure if I'd imagined it, honestly.  Minute later, though, there was another bump.  This one big enough to set my boat rocking.  I grabbed my lines, not wanting them to get lost or tangled, and was pulling the last one in when there was a third bump, almost tipped me over.  I though for sure I was going in the water, and let me tell you, don't matter what time of year it is, that water is cold.  I grabbed my oars, figuring I'd get out of that area, and that's when I saw it, the monster.   Now, I'd heard tell of people who'd had run-ins with the monster before, but wasn't sure I believed them.  Right at that moment, I became a believer.  This thing was huge, biggest thing I ever saw in that lake.  Had to be about 20 feet long, mouth wide open with rows of sharp teeth.  Spiky fins all along its back, eyes like dinner plates.  Those fins came out of the water first, kinda cirling my boat, then it lifted up that head and glared at me.  I'm not ashamed to say I was shaking, though for sure I was about to be that thing's breakfast. My oars were in the water, but I was too scared to start going yet.  I think maybe I was in a spell from it, or something.  It opened that mouth even bigger, and bit a chunk out of one my oars!  Spit out the pieces of wood, and I swear it grinned at me, a mean grin, like as if to tell me I was next. Then it just rolled in the water and slithered itself away.     Sure, I've been out on the water since then, I have to, yeah? But it aint so easy as it used to be, knowing what's out there.


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