Aspects of the Gods

The gods speak to us in various forms. Some regions in this great wide world worship the gods in their own traditions. These various forms and shapes of the gods are called "Aspects". These forms always trace back to the same godly entity. Though some religions might attribute different facets of the same god to multiple entities - while other combine vision of multiple gods into the same being.   An aspect is rooted in a deeply routed tradition going back eons. Over time there have been more aspects forgotten than have been remembered. Some of these aspects cause violent conflict, bringing forth a struggle for the definitive iteration of a god - while other aspects live in peaceful co-existence to each other. Where some aspect worshiper are antagonized as blasphemer - others receive the same amount of respect as a devote of the main god. The nature of the interaction is shaped by the nature of the god in question. Different aspects of god of knowledge Ioun trigger a lively debate. All the while the followers of the God of War Kord are know to get into a fight over the correct pronunciation of his one syllable name - until only one version remains.  

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