Morgrien Geographic Location in Norien | World Anvil


Located in the mountains of the west of Norien, Morgrien is the ancient homes to the Dwarfs. The city, bigger then some kingdoms of the Humans, is built completely underground into the mountain.   As far as history recals, the Dwarfs always preferred to stay to them self. Contact to the outside world was always limited to the bare minimum necessary for trade and diplomacy. A position that soften during the golden age of the Empire of Alharien - yet with the fall of the empire the Kingdom of Morgrien steadily has fallen back into their old reclusive ways.   In the recent years this self imposed isolation reached new heights, leading to the closing and sealing of the enourmous main gates of Morgrien. Outcast and refugees from the cities report of a generation spanning political struggle for power - threatening to erupt into a earth shattering civil war.


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