Norland Geographic Location in Norien | World Anvil


The icy norths of Norland are largely inhospitable. Only along the south side of the island did humans manage to settle.   Everything in Norland is extreme. The harsh environment only allows the most ferocious and hardened flora and fauna to survive. Hence this island contains the most dangerous animals know to day. Hence forth the Nor living here are known to be the toughest and most ferocious warriors.   Norland was once dominated by various clans of giants. It certainly speaks to the kind of people living here, that today the giant clans are mostly extinct, having retreating the the north most corners of the island.   The land itself supports only little live. The Nor are highly depended their relationship with Marland. A one sided relationship strongly in favor of the Norland - and brutally enforced by it's warriors.


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