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The Jade Queen

Here you see the Jade Queen about to serve her brand of justice on a would be thief of her pirate crew. though he had been loyal for almost his entire adult life he was caught and found guilty of skimming profits from the booty of razed ships. Punishment for crimes against her highness are just as she is; swift, severe, and unflinching. With her magical viridium cast morning star she bludgeons the human's head in a single swing. This weapon is a legend of the western coast, said to have been crafted by a sea dragon and gifted to her, it has been seen to crush the limbs of giants, and dust the undead wretches that would do harm to it's wielder. it's pommelis is fitted with the shrunken head of her former mate. her crew whisper that the head was shrunk while he was still alive, some believe he is still alive incapable of any action but to witness what his queen wills. The Jade Queen, had found her calling in the sea, she learned when she was very young that no one is gonna give you anything in have to take it. After she acquired her first ship through seduction and murder it was a 15 year long battle with the scallywags of the Varisian coast to raise her flag supreme. you won't find a state vessel flying any colors but her own. If you do see her flag then it's best you surrender lest you wish to lose your life. She has a son who is cut from his own cloth, witty, tenacious, determined. He was a fair pirate in his own right but he knew he was meant for something different. So he set out to be the greatest theif in the land. The Queen loves her son and may be her only weakness. Her pirate band is trained to lethal precision and is loyal to their deaths one way or the other. It's made up of any race willing to join, though her closest advisors are all cat folk. not a single other race has set foot on her grand vessel not even those who fight against her plundering ways. she has never been boarded and likely never will. all her crew are given a jade petal pin to wear on their persons and it's critical that they are worn openly. If they can't display their allegiance proudly then they aren't allowed to be a jade pirate. The Queen had brought the pirate war to an end when she had mysteriously curried favor with an ancient brine dragon. The dragon who became known as "The Torrential Doom" would capsize ships and summon mighty storms to decimate enemy ships even before the Jade cross bone flag was flying high. No one knows just how the two became unlikely allies but the relationship has lasted many years. Aikontolth, the dragon, was the very same dragon who crafted her legendary morningstar from the viridium cave he supposedly slumbers in. Her most recent accomplishment was laying claim to one of the most powerful artifacts known to exist. Baba Yaga's dancing hut and the hut even holds Baba Yaga herself! Frozen in cursed magic waiting for her herald to release her. The reality jumping house was taken from Baba Yaga's own daughter, Former Queen of Irisen, Elvanna. A ragtag group of heroes along side a resistance movement destablized Elvanna's grip in Whitethrone and when the moment was right The Jade Queen ripped her hand and stole away the gut before Elvanna knew what was happening. After the incident Elvanna was overthrown leaving a power vacuum in the harsh city, the noble houses squabble even now trying to establish a rightful hierarchy.


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