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The Last Charge of Chastity and her Immortals

Lady Chastity and her husband Kris, stood alongside two of their children. though any who didn't know them might think they were standing with their parents. The power of a wish made so long ago upon the Golden Triforce kept Kris and Chastity from aging. Their son K.C. Recently anointed King of Rothynia, and Cassidy, monk and paladin who has established a monastery for those who can follow her path, stood together hands held waiting for the spell that will lead them to battle. The gray haired and wrinkly gnome, Shenanigans, friend of the Stolyn family for half a century wove the spell of teleport and took them away to the edges of the lands known as the Obsidian Wastes.   It was there that they would make their stand, later it would be referred to as The Last Charge of Chastity and her Immortals by bards and historians alike. The spell completed, the group looked north to their destination, to their daughter and sibling. Shenanigans the gnome gave a teary eyed goodbye, fearing that the family wouldn't return whole. They marched in silence through the volcanic landscape, razor sharp glass and rock threatened them every step of the way. the gravity of the task ahead weighed on their hearts.   A striking green energy cut vertically through the air on the horizon and that could only mean that Damian had begun the ritual that would claim their daughters life and transcend him beyond the mortal plane. On they pressed to reach Rylianne in time. the pyramidal structure was imposing and as jet black as everything else. They wasted few words with Tyrannus, Damien's half-fiend, mad dog of a cohort. Mythical spells and righteous might clashed. Blood and pain flowed through the battle field and with a great show of strength and dexterity Cassidy the eldest child, a near perfect mixture of her two parents heaved her father to the floating Rylianne, who remained unconscious and spewing forth mystic energy that turned to black ichor as it fell into the necrotic cradle below. Kris wrenched his daughter out of the grips of the ritual spell causing a back lash of magical power so great it blew off the top of the pyramid sending all 7 combatants flying. the family landing together and the mages on the other side. Tyrannus had worried for a fraction of a moment that the meddling family cause his master to be destroyed before he saw and felt Damien's presence. Damien, his body half transformed into a necrotic demon like figure, radiated power and he floated down smoothly. His face bore supreme confidence and triumph. He looked across his shattered pyramid and saw the Stolyn family together, once they were threats to him now he sees them as infinitesimal rodents. He was a god and no mortal is of any concern now.   In the same moments, Rylianne regained consciousness, K.C. had been offering prayers to his god as he had so many times and suddenly he heard his god speak to him. "Damien has defied the fates and I can grant you protection to combat this evil, accept what power I have left." and K.C. did without hesitation. he glowed with sacred energy and passed it along to his family, bolstered with righteous fury the family, as one, charged their enemies.   The battle was vicious and bloody. Rylianne had awoken all the dormant power she had, unleashing truly spectacular arcane spells. Chastity, Kris, and Cassidy pressed hard against the wizards, chasing them all across the inside of the destroyed pyramid. K.C. gave bolstering spells and healing to the wounds they had taken previously, further Heironeous' protection made them immune to any damage they might have suffered for only a handful of seconds but it was enough time for them to truly harm Tyrannus, Damien seemed hardly scratched though.   Damien used his new deific powers and with a heave of his hands the ground shattered, revealing a lava pit below and the sent forth eldritch lightning that burnt away the last of the gold energy protecting the rodents. Unknown to the Stolyn's, Damien felt a shutter run down his spine, a shutter of exhaustion. His power suddenly seemed to be fleeting. Had his ritual been interrupted enough to make his transcendence fail? it cant be, he thought, his power was godly and that would not be lost so easily.   Damien mocked the heroes for fighting against all odds and with a wave of his hand he manifested deep cuts across all the bodies of his enemies massively damaging each of them. then with lightning speed slammed his demonic fist into Kris' chest and instantly undone that wish that kept him young, he stared into his eyes as Kris' body aged 50 years in a few seconds. Never faltering though the Stolyn family fought on, if they were to die, and some of them certainly had tunnel vision from blood loss and battle damage, they would die fighting.   Chastity had slain Tyrannus then, leaving Damien alone but it bothered the new god not at all. Blinking over to his fallen servant he touched him raised him back from the dead and healed him completely, this time that display of power very visibly shook Damien to his core and revealed to all that something was wrong with him. No matter. his mad dog was revived and Tyrannus unleashed a powerful spell which destroyed Chastity's legendary weapon a greatsword meant for a giant, heavily enchanted and named Evil's Nightmare.   Countless beings had been cut down by the might of the 9 foot blade. It struck to the core of any evil being and the ease of which Lady Chastity wielded the sword was impressive. It was a blade that carried its own legend. And with a swipe of Tyrannus' hand he shattered it into a hundred pieces. all that remained was its hilt and barely a foot of sharpened edge on one side. With all her mythic energy Rylianne turned Tyrannus into dust exclaiming "try coming back from that!" then with her last efforts touched her mom on the shoulder channeling a massive amount of magical lightning into the remains of the broken sword. Chastity saw the tiniest opening and lunged in, the lightning forming itself to match the true shape of the blade that was there mere seconds before. She felt the blade puncture the gods skin. driving it to the hilt. Damien blinked in surprise, when he fell he whispered "I was meant to do great things." and he unceremoniously hit the ground. a lump of twisted flesh was all that remained of this god. The family could barely stand but they left the pyramid behind in quiet exhaustion.


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