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Dragon Whispers Or Dragoni Elves

Dragoni Elves where once thought to be an evil race, during the beginnings of the great dragon war , back when people also believed all dragons were evil. With time came understanding, but it was a little too late for the Dragoni , who during the war were hunted down viscously by all, for their connection to dragons. Believing that they were behind the dragons that had been terrorizing the lands.    The Dragoni worship Leishna as well as Darkna The Goddess of the Metallic dragons. Dragoni Elves are very rare , as many were killed off during the war. The few that are alive today stay in hiding usually along side a metallic dragon. Very shy and reclusive.  Before they were a race of great exploration traveling and adventuring great lengths to discover and communicate with different dragons around the world.  The Dragoni have the Ability to speak to any dragon telepathically . They have advantage on persuasion rolls against dragons and can speak draconic as well as Elven and common.  

Civilization and Culture


Dragoni Elves were created by the Goddess Leishna, after she first altered the dragons. Granting the Elves the ability to speak to dragons in a way no creature could.
Average Physique
Dragoni Elves are the shortest of the Elves most averaging around 5'5 or 5'6 . Any taller than that is rare but possible.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Dragoni can be any color that humans can be, and are really very human like in appearance. Apart from their Ears which are usually very large.
by Rosaria Trivisonne

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