Dagult Neverember Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Dagult Neverember

The Lord Protector of Neverwinter. Dagult was the former leader of Waterdeep, and when seeing its sister city Neverwinter in ruin, he gathered what mercenaries Waterdeep could spare and headed to its aid. He joined forces with the Gladius family, who headed the Neverwinter Guard and Lords' Alliance, and worked to defend the city from destruction. After the dust settled, Dagult and Roman Gladius established a bolstered Neverwinter Guard and began reconstruction of the city. Dagult does not hold absolute power, and his decisions must pass a vote in the Council of Lords. He takes the advice and information from the various lords and uses them to enact laws and projects to benefit the city.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1328 DR 73 Years old
Ruled Locations