Godrm Agύ Character in Norvic | World Anvil
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Godrm Agύ

Oru Gordrm Agύ (a.k.a. Godrm Gold Skull)

Godrm (God-durm) Agœç (A-go-etch) Was the founder and the frist Oru of the Gold Skull clan. Not much is known about him for sure but we have a few set in stone facts. Godrm was a great warrior and one of his many wars was told in the Song of Storms. It is known that Godrm wielded an axe in each hand the legendary axes Öodvêir and Gyløß.The final two known facts about Godrm Agœç was his 4 wifes and his death starting with his wifes there names were Gÿr, Fåìe, Narìß, and Freya they each bore him childern.FInally Godrm Gold Skull's death this occurred during the raid of the major port city of Qaturæ where Godrm single handedly broke through the city's guard which was protecting the castle.He did this all alone because of near capture of his main army. His choice saved the couple thousand men of his clan from certain death and lead to the successfull taking of the city. His death lead to one major change in the clan the begining of record keeping as people after his death relized that they did not know much of the true actions of their great founder Godrm Agœç leading to the frist official recorded document of the Gold Skull clan being the battle for Qaturæ.
For those who read these tomes in the future to figure out how the names are pronounced use the magic spell called google translate to hear the names echo through your ears and into your soul.
some other stuff goes here but currently there is nothing because i'm trying to see how this looks in the software of world anvil
some cool awsome battle nonsense goes around this area not fuly sure if it goes in this exact location though.

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