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01/08/21 - 01/16/21 Sessions

"Ossu is Lawful Good?!" and "Ruffles didn't forget!"

General Summary

Session 01/08/21
Session begins the morning after the party arrives in Basaltwood - In game date March 27th.   The party splits to perform various tasks:
  • Ossu flies out to wall to check with guards on watch regarding any activity over the night and current status of city: is directed to the captain of the city guard who is currently at Lord Alderp's manor
  • Otto sought out information regarding the layout of the city: obtains map of the city and is also directed to captain
  • Mons sought out The Black Wolf for information regarding him being in Basaltwood: learns his name is Ruvain Darkwood, his men died protecting the city and that he was not aware they are in the Feywild
  • Daxis remained at the inn acting as a relay for the party's communication
  • Droop remained in the inn
  • Ruffles was present
When Ossu arrived at the front gate of Lord Alderp's manor he found the captain arguing with one of the duke's personal guard regarding allowing people to take shelter in the manor as it is the most defensible part of city - to which the guard at the gate states his orders are to not let anyone inside. Ossu then attempts to convince the guard to let him in to speak to Lord Alderp directly, which the guard refuses and repeats what his orders are. Ossu then decides to take matters into his own hands, taking flight into the manor's walls - resulting in him being shot by archers on the walls and the manor's alarm bell to start being rung. Ossu makes his way to the backside of the manor and breaks in through a balcony door on the top floor but is only able to search that floor for a few minutes before guards start to surround him and he flees out the window of a guest room. At this point the city wall alarm bells rings to the south and Ossu makes his way there, scooping Mons up along the way.   When Ossu broke into the manor the rest of party made their way there when Daxis notified them that Ossu was the cause of the alarm. When the southern wall alarm started they all rushed to wall along with the captain to find a small horde of undead making their way out of the forest towards them. The party (joined by Ruvain) are able to quickly deal with the undead enemies.   After the battle the party regroups at the inn and are confronted by Lord Alderp within minutes of arriving. He expresses his fury at his home being broken into and that it is the responsibility of all present to protect him. Originally wanting Ossu to be arrested, once Mons interfered he backed off but added that if Ossu came near his home again he would have him executed.  
Over the next several hours the party sees to multiple tasks:
  • Ruffles suggests to Daxis that he could run back Senaliesse to inform Oberon of what the situation is and that aid is needed - Daxis recruits Otto to make a bell for Ruffles to wear in order to remind him of the city's bells in order to not forget his mission - Ruffles leaves Basaltwood for Senaliesse
  • Mons and the captain discuss the idea of taking the duke's manor by force - and that the only reason they haven't already is because the guards are already spread too thin
  • Otto recruits Mons to help in crafting caltrops to spread in the field between the forest and city wall to the south after the city smith gives them a large number of caltrops that had been commissioned - citing they're better off using them if they'll aid in protecting the city somehow
  • Ossu does a perimeter check of the entire city and then spreads the caltrops to the south at Otto's request
Session paused ~3-4pm of the same in game day.
Session 01/16/21
  • Session Resumes
  • Party repels 2nd wave of undead - turns out caltrops are useful
  • Party confirms with guard captain the plan to remove Lord Alderp
  • Party plans to to use Otto's familiar and its Wand of Magic Missile to assassinate the duke - sends familiar to scout
  • Daxis is able to confirm with one of the duke's guards that many of the guards do not like what he is doing - and that there is only one guard with the duke in addition to the guards on the walls and the gates, the rest are sleeping
  • Familiar confirms he found Lord Alderp, party sends him to complete the assassination, party hides in the access tunnel the captain informed them of
  • Familiar murders the shit out of Alderp
  • Next day townsfolk are moved into the manor to take refuge
  • *****SLIGHT RETCON***** The party repels multiple small attacks at various points along the city walls from early morning until the early afternoon
  • City is surround by a massive horde of undead - the south wall breach being focused on by several minotaur skeletons
  • After fighting for a short time, while Ossu calls out to Old Treebeard and the other Fey for assistance - Droop theorizes because Treebird is so ancient he may not speak Common, Daxis calls out in Sylvan - a legion of treants emerges from the forest and begins to fight the horde
  • One treant walks up to the wall where the party and Ruffles jumps out of it from a flash of light, and soon many Fey jump out of the other treants and begin fighting the horde - Ruffles explains that Oberon is using a special of version of Tree Stride to send the Fey troops here and so the townsfolk can be evacuated safely
  • After several hours of fighting the party, Fey, guards and townsfolk are able to wipe out the horde, though there were casualties
  • Daxis jumps through one of the treants to demonstrate to the townsfolk that it's safe - he sees Oberon who is visibly strained maintaining both the barrier and the Tree Stride - he jumps back through and after more treants they are able to get everyone through quickly, the party decides to remain there so they can follow up with Seamus to get back to their next destination
  • Party loots Lord Alderp's safe room, finding some money and healing potions
  • Party calls on Seamus to complete their deal, he teleports them back to where he found them the second time
  • Party makes camp to rest before proceeding into the tower they had found.
Session ends in game date: March 28th - night as long rest starts
Report Date
15 Jan 2021

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