Farin's Rest Building / Landmark in Nos of Memories | World Anvil
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Farin's Rest

In the kingdom of Maybury there lies a large temple dedicated to Farin the god of death. When someone dies in the kingdom, they may eventually end up here for their remains to be processed and put to rest. Of course, if one is a follower of Farin, then their journey is just beginning.

Purpose / Function

Farin's rest exists to help sooth people's fear of death. The clergy of Farin offer services to help people work through their grief when losing a loved one. Burial services, sermons, blessings and religious studies are also offered here. For followers of the faith, the church serves a different purpose once a year in winter. Those who pledge themselves to Farin and die, can come back and visit their loved ones. This comes at a price of course. When a faithful dies, they assist in Farin's eternal shepherding of souls. Not quite as comfortable as the other god's afterlife, but being able to check in on your loved ones is well worth the work for some people. Besides, it's not like a soul grows tired.


As more and more people converted to the faith, a crypt was added to the building to house the devoted's remains. More rooms are constantly being added as more and more remains are added to it.


Dour by most standards, Farin's Rest doesn't provide a warm and fuzzy feeling. Large, faded grey stones make up a majority of it's structure. However, large expanses of blue and black glass adorn it's sides depicting images of Farin laying people to rest and shepherding their souls to where they belong. Surprisingly, most who pass by don't feel sadness or grief. Instead, it exudes a feeling of acceptance. All things must end at some point, but some endings are new beginnings.
Alternative Names
Farin's Rest
Cathedral / Great temple

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