Loxley's Wondrous Inviso Quill
Mechanics & Inner Workings
No one knows how the quills work, only that they're enchanted, and that when used to put ink to paper, the ink becomes invisible. The only mechanic of the quill that anyone can understand, is that by addressing the letter to a certain individual--or if intended for a certain organization, a symbol of that organization will be written on the letter--only that individual can read the letter. Many have studied and attempted to reverse engineer their own wondrous quills, but results have varied, with one attempt producing a quill that made the letters faded, and another that caused the letter to burst into flames. The only obvious component is the quill itself, which is a feather taken from the endangered silver geese of Juelmeisterkin.
Manufacturing process
First, one must draw a symbol--either a symbol representing a certain ideal, or a holy symbol--and since it's a small item, only four candles should be placed around the circle and lit. That's as far anyone's gotten to figure out how to manufacture a wondrous quill, for the incantation to mutter, and whether or not a god needs to be invoked has yet to be determined. So far it's all up to figuring out the right combination of symbol, colored candle, and incanation, and whether or not other materials are to be used, but so far a proper wondrous quill has yet to be produced.
Many spies and shadow organizations have made use of these quills when making letters intended for a select audience. In some cases it is considered a badge of honor to receive this pen, for it signifies that one has attained a high ranking in a thieves guild or spy ring.
Item type
Only ten of these exist, for the original designs are lost, and trying to reverse engineer this magic item is a daunting task that few have achieved, and the results have been less than wondrous.
Raw materials & Components
The feather is the only obvious component, and people who've tried to recreate the quill have theorized which components and materials to use. The only agreed upon thing is chalk--used in most enchantments--and one of two colored candles: either a purple candle, representing art and literature, or black, which represents secrecy in some cultures.
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