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Given the free cities nature as a trading town, it is a very inclusive place, and even some of the rarer species like merrow and fomorians make a home here; though the most numerous race are the dionysians, as many traders from the motherland of Termerion make use of the market to sell there wares and services, and some have even made Tassiter their new home.


Though most free cities have a loose system of government, Tassiter's system is borderline non-existent. The only people keeping any sort of order are The Trade Master--the effective mayor of Tassiter--and The Great Barons, who regulate trade and conjure laws on a whim, depending on their wants and needs. A product deemed to dangerous, and interfering with their business? They'll have the Trade Master ban it from the market. A certain group of people continuing to peddle that product? Segregate or kick them out. Do the barons want to sell the product themselves? Then they'll set up a system where merchants can only sell it through trade guilds run by The Barons, and also they must have a guild membership, thus giving the Barons a foothold into that merchant's other avenues of trade.


Tassiter's sole means of protection--aside from it's walls--is the private militia funded by the Great Barons, and some of the soldiers are just mercenaries under a Barons employ, thus each soldier has loyalties to his Baron first.

Industry & Trade

Anything and everything is a valuable commodity in Tassiter, and if another trade post were to establish dominance on the eastern island of Verte-Paysage, then trouble could be on the rise for the The Pit of Crows. Thankfully this hasn't happened, as Tassiter is located in the center of eastern Verte-Paysage, thus making it the most convenient place to trade.


In order to further cement themselves as the center of trade, the enterprising minds of Tassiter were the first to set up the roads in eastern Verte-Paysge, branching off from Tassiter, and leading to the other free cities--save for Boniver in the mountains, but as the saying goes: "all gold flows to Tassiter."


Given that it's a community built on trade, there's a sprawling market place in the center, and if not for the intervention of The Trade Master, the market would be a chaotic mess, with prices jacked to an all time high, and competition growing hostile.

Guilds and Factions

Countless guilds live and die in Tassiter, the result of countless back stabs and back door deals amongst Great Barons, though trade guilds and unions are the most common, and--assuming they aren't bought out by a Great Baron--are the ones that last the longest. Aside from the Barons, factions such as The Sisters of Silent Mercy, and The Mage's Shadow have agents nesting within the city--information is just as valuable as gold.


In 1640 an enterprising individual by the name of Michael Windleshum set up a trade outpost in the center of eastern Verte-Paysage, and through the passage of years it grow into a settlement, one that continued the grow with the help of ambitious merchants, pimps, and of course, Great Barons. But an official system of government was never established, as The Great Barons slowly took control of Tassiter's trade, establishing The Trade Master as a figure head to establish laws, and limit trade.


People who visit Tassiter are usually shopoholics, those looking for some illegal goods, are shady types, such as assassins, thieves, and other unsavory types, as well as those with a penchant for paid intimacy--the most popular spot for this being Lavinia's.


Tassiter is located on the plains of eastern Verte-Paysage, and it's only source of fresh water either comes from it's single well, or bought from the port cities of Taulainer, South Port, or Pierce's Rest.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Pit of Crows
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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