Rendal Natos Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Rendal Natos

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Рассветный рыцарь Рэндал Натос - паладин, телохранитель Cтора Хайрода
  Dawnknight Bern Leed Race: Half-Elf -Class: Paladin 6 -Background: Knight of the Order -Gender: Male -Description: --Appearance: Bald --High Ability: Strength-powerful, brawny, strong as an ox --Low Ability: Constitution-sickly, pale --Talent: Drinks everyone under the table --Mannerism: Frequently uses the wrong word --Interaction Trait: Suspicious --Values: Self-sacrifice (Good), Protective of a sentimental keepsake --Flaw or Secret: Secret crime or misdeed Race: Half-Elf -Subraces and Variants: --Elven Ancestry: Drow --Human Heritage: Ffolk -Physical Characteristics: --Age: 107 years --Height: 5'7" --Weight: 150 lbs. --Eyes: Gray --Skin: Pale --Hair: Black Class: Paladin -Sacred Oath: Oath of Devotion -Personality: --Personal Goal: Glory. You will lead the world into a grand new era, one that will be branded with your name. --Temptation: Greed. Regardless of how much glory and treasure you amass, it's never enough for you. --Became a paladin because: Evil must be opposed on all fronts. I feel compelled to seek out wickedness and purge it from the world. Background: Knight of the Order -Trait: I'm haunted by memories of war. I can't get the images of violence out of my mind. -Ideal: Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. (Chaotic) -Bond: I would still lay down my life for the people I served with. -Flaw: I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong. Life -Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -Origin: --Birthplace: Forest --Parents: One parent was an elf and the other was a half-elf. --Family Lifestyle: Wealthy --Childhood Home: Palace or Castle --Childhood Memories: I had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood. -Life Events: --Adventure: You were terribly frightened by something you encountered and ran away, abandoning your companions to their fate. --Tragedy: A terrible blight in your home community caused crops to fail, and many starved. You lost a sibling or some other family member. --Enemy: You made an enemy of a(n) dwarf cleric. Roll a d6. An odd number indicates you are to blame for the rift, and an even number indicates you are blameless. --Boon: You found a riding horse. -Trinket: A pyramid of sticky black incense that smells very bad

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