Стор Хайрод Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Стор Хайрод

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--Appearance: Formal, clean clothes --High Ability: Wisdom-perceptive, spiritual, insightful --Low Ability: Intelligence-dim-witted, slow --Talent: Expert cook --Mannerism: Bites fingernails --Interaction Trait: Rude --Values: Honor (Lawful), Protective of colleagues or compatriots --Flaw or Secret: Possession of forbidden lore Race: Human -Subraces and Variants: --Ethnicity: Nar -Physical Characteristics: --Age: 38 years --Height: 5'5" --Weight: 164 lbs. --Eyes: Brown --Skin: Dark Brown --Hair: Red Class: Cleric -Divine Domain: Light Domain -Personality: --Keepsake: A metal-bound book that tells how to hunt and destroy infernal creatures --Secret: In times of despair, you feel that you are but a plaything of the gods, and you resent their remoteness. --Became a cleric because: I realize that my god works through me, and I do as commanded, even though I don't know why I was chosen to serve. Background: Archaeologist -Trait: Traps don't make me nervous. Idiots who trigger traps make me nervous. -Ideal: Death Wish. Nothing is more exhilarating than a narrow escape from the jaws of death. (Chaotic) -Bond: I have a friendly rival. Only one of us can be the best, and I aim to prove it's me. -Flaw: I have no time for friends or family. I spend every waking moment thinking about and preparing for my next expedition. -Signature Item: Hooded lantern Life -Alignment: Chaotic Good -Origin: --Birthplace: Home of a healer or midwife --Absent Parent(s): Your parent(s) abandoned you --Family Lifestyle: Modest --Childhood Home: Mansion --Childhood Memories: I had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood. -Life Events: --Job: You spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 2d6 gp. --Marriage: You fell in love or got married to a(n) human politician or bureaucrat. --Friend: You made a friend of a(n) vedalken ranger. --Boon: You found some money. You have 1d20 gp in addition to your regular starting funds. --Arcane Matter: You turned invisible for a time. -Trinket: An empty glass vial that smells of perfume when opened

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