Bjorn's Hold
Bjorn's Hold was a small coastal settlement on Ice Peak island
Around half a thousand people made up the village of Bjorn's Hold. It was led by Bjorn, who was the son of his father of the same name. The ruler was said to be a loving, but bad-tempered, old coot. The community had a very familial bond, and both the Ice Hunter and Northlander populations got along well.[1]
The inhabitants trapped, fished, and hunted to make a living. The town had a port, where trading boats were docked. However, most of their cargo was seized by Luskar pirates, who felt as if they had control over the settlement. Luskan even had a hundred members of their militia present in Bjorn's Hold, and were aggressively countered by Bjorn's own militia, the Ice Warriors. No ally to Luskan, the Ice Warriors often plotted to burn Luskar barracks, and poison their supplies. In 1370 DR, the warriors were known to have stepped up their aggression by actively shooting Luskar pirates on sight with their crossbows, killing about half of the militia.[5]
To the west of Bjorn's Hold dwelt several ice hounds and tundra yetis.[3]
Those of Bjorn's Hold, despite being led by a Northman, did not get on well with Luskan. Bjorn and those under his leadership would sell most of their goods to Calishites located in Port Llast,[1] and Neverwinter.[5]
They were known to hire adventurers to guard their shipments for their annual,[1] or biannual,[5] mercantile journey.[1][5]
Circa the 1st century DR, Uthgar Gardolfsson completed his rite of manhood. He acquired the title of Thane, and wished to further prove his worth. Uthgar thus traveled the sea, and pillaged the village of Bjorn's Hold. His ransacking was successful, with several boats full of fish and fur.[6]
In 1358 DR, the Heroes of Ascore ventured through Bjorn's Hold. They encountered robed men from Hellgate Keep and dispatched them.[3]
In 1370 DR, their rival, Luskan, aimed to assimilate the population to achieve full control over Bjorn's Hold.[5] However, Bjorn's Hold appeared to be still standing after 1485 DR without a notable change.[4]
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