Black Lion Tribe
Племя Черного Льва рыщет по северным Серебряным Пределам и лесу Друар, защищая свой курган духов у Колодца Беорунна (который они делят с племенем Красного Тигра). Черные Львы известны своими набегами на слабо защищённые фермы, у которых они крадут еду и припасы во время суровых зим.
Великий вождь племени Черного Льва, Стеллнок Колраави, носит доспех из шкуры орка и имеет ужасающую репутацию. Его младшая сестра, Тайсис Колраави - шаманка и единственный доверенный советник Стеллнока. Брат и сестра поклоняются Утгару и не терпят дипломатию и цивилизацию.
BLACK LION TRIBE The Black Lion tribe prowls the northern Silver Marches and the Druarwood, protecting its spirit mound at Beorunna's Well (which it shares with the Red Tiger tribe). The Black Lions have been known to raid poorly defended homesteads for food and supplies during harsh winters. The great chief of the Black Lion tribe, Stellok Kolraavi, wears armor made from ore hide and has a fearsome reputation. His younger sister, Tysis Kolraavi, is a shaman and Stellok’s only trusted advisor. The siblings venerate Uthgar, and they have no tolerance for diplomacy or for the trappings of civilization. Although this tribe retains its beast totem name, its members no longer revere the Black Lion or Uthgar. Abandoning their former wandering lifestyle, the Black Lions constructed a permanent settlement near Beorunna's Well. Likewise, they have turned away from raiding and hunting as their primary means of support and toward a combination of agriculture, herding, hunting, and gathering. Tribal clerics now serve Helm, Ilmater, Torm, and Tyr. One cleric of the tribe (Patreveni Onehand, CN human male Clr 3 of Uthgar) still serves Uthgar, but his pleas and warnings to his fellow tribespeople fall on deaf ears. They have had enough of constant warfare, and they long for a less violent and destructive way of life. Most of the other Uthgardt tribes, particularly the Red Tigers, are contemptuous of the Black Lions' decision to abandon tradition. The tribe's rationale for undergoing this marked change. is explained by their chieftain, Andar Heartwood (CN human male Bbn6): "War with the orc king is coming. Every day it grows nearer. When it finally arrives, it will sweep everything before it, like the waters of the spring flood. The Black Lions, too, will perish unless we plan for our future." To this end, the Black Lions have started to trade with other folk, especially Quaervarr and Sundabar. Where once the sight of Black Lions walking the streets of a trading city would be considered rare at best, now it is merely uncommon. Thus far the tribe's economy is small, but agricultural and herding success have allowed it to grow rapidly. It is the chieftain's secret hope - shared with no one thus far - that he may be able to prevail upon the signatories of the Silver Marches to accept the Black Lions as a new member, giving the tribe powerful allies when the orc horde attacks. The Black Lions' town, Beorunna's Well, is described in Chapter 1 of this book (Silver Marches). Surrounded by a low wooden palisade with pens for horses, sheep, and cattle just beyond the palisade, it might pass for any of a number of other small frontier settlements. The tribe still hunts the forests and hills near its settlement, but no longer depends solely on game for survival.Черные Львы и Красные Тигры. К северу от территории племени Синего Медведя, в Мерцающем Лесу, находится Колодец Беорунны, довольно крупное поселение возле древнего родового кургана племени Красного Тигра. Поселение было основано некоторое время назад членами племени Черного Льва, которые решили пустить корни, а не продолжать кочевую жизнь. Хотя Красные Тигры не вполне довольны сложившейся ситуацией, они считают Колодец Беорунны своим священным местом и пытаются извлечь максимум выгоды из такого положения дел. Отряды Красных Тигров часто зимуют в Колодце Беорунны, и многие из них здесь продают меха и кожу, которые они добыли в окрестных лесах. Племя Черного Льва Черные Львы предали традиции Утгарда и обосновались около священного Колодца Беорунны. Большинство народа племени Черного Льва оставило поклонение Утгару и теперь поклоняются Хелму, Илматеру, Торму и Тиру. Курган предков: Колодец Беорунны. Ритуальный враг: Варвары тундры. Black Lion Characters A player who chooses the Black Lion as his barbarian character's home tribe should think about how the tribe's abandonment of tradition affects his character's outlook on life. Is he angry with his chieftain for breaking with tradition, deciding to venture forth into the world in order to carry on the old ways? Or perhaps he approves of these changes, and seeks to better understand the world by traveling through it and experiencing what adventures it has to offer. The Black Lion barbarian character must beware members of other tribes, however. Most other Uthgardt, particularly the Red Tigers, won't pass up any chance to mock or ridicule a Black Lion they meet on the trail. Some warriors from other tribe may even go so. far as to attack a Black Lion they encounter outside his village. Black Lion Tribe Ancestor Mound: Beorunna's Well Chieftain: Alaric the Strong Cleric: Patreveni Onehand Shaman: Bogohardt Blackmane Ritual Enemy: the tundra barbarians (tribes beyond the Spine of the World). Beast Power: Lion's Roar. Deafens foes for 1d6 turns if they do not make a sav¬ing throw vs. spells. Only Bogohardt can still wield this power. The black lion is long gone from the north, yet the tribe that bears its name lives on. Chief Alaric's badge of office is said to be a cape made of black lion skin (those who claim to have seen it recall only a mangy scrap of dirty black furl. Nestled in the wide valley that sepa¬rates the North from the glacier beyond is the small village of Beorunna's Well (mostly small huts, long houses and a few tents), which stands a respectful distance from the watery pit that is its name-sake. Here, the complacent Black Lions have forsaken tradition to become farmers and herders. Hunters still roam the wilds, but the tribe no longer depends upon them for survival. Agricultural success lets them trade with others for their needs. In forsaking their barbarian tradi¬tions, they have also cast aside their tribal totem. Most folk of Beorunna's Well worship the Tyr alliance of Tyr, Torm, Ilmater and Helm. Beorunna's Well is one of the most sacred sites of the Uthgar barbarians. The folk here sense its eldritch nature and fear it more than they revere it. During Runemeet, the Red Tiger tribe performs the required rituals while the Black Lions avoid entering the well.
BLACK LION TRIBE The Black Lion tribe prowls the northern Silver Marches and the Druarwood, protecting its spirit mound at Beorunna's Well (which it shares with the Red Tiger tribe). The Black Lions have been known to raid poorly defended homesteads for food and supplies during harsh winters. The great chief of the Black Lion tribe, Stellok Kolraavi, wears armor made from ore hide and has a fearsome reputation. His younger sister, Tysis Kolraavi, is a shaman and Stellok’s only trusted advisor. The siblings venerate Uthgar, and they have no tolerance for diplomacy or for the trappings of civilization. Although this tribe retains its beast totem name, its members no longer revere the Black Lion or Uthgar. Abandoning their former wandering lifestyle, the Black Lions constructed a permanent settlement near Beorunna's Well. Likewise, they have turned away from raiding and hunting as their primary means of support and toward a combination of agriculture, herding, hunting, and gathering. Tribal clerics now serve Helm, Ilmater, Torm, and Tyr. One cleric of the tribe (Patreveni Onehand, CN human male Clr 3 of Uthgar) still serves Uthgar, but his pleas and warnings to his fellow tribespeople fall on deaf ears. They have had enough of constant warfare, and they long for a less violent and destructive way of life. Most of the other Uthgardt tribes, particularly the Red Tigers, are contemptuous of the Black Lions' decision to abandon tradition. The tribe's rationale for undergoing this marked change. is explained by their chieftain, Andar Heartwood (CN human male Bbn6): "War with the orc king is coming. Every day it grows nearer. When it finally arrives, it will sweep everything before it, like the waters of the spring flood. The Black Lions, too, will perish unless we plan for our future." To this end, the Black Lions have started to trade with other folk, especially Quaervarr and Sundabar. Where once the sight of Black Lions walking the streets of a trading city would be considered rare at best, now it is merely uncommon. Thus far the tribe's economy is small, but agricultural and herding success have allowed it to grow rapidly. It is the chieftain's secret hope - shared with no one thus far - that he may be able to prevail upon the signatories of the Silver Marches to accept the Black Lions as a new member, giving the tribe powerful allies when the orc horde attacks. The Black Lions' town, Beorunna's Well, is described in Chapter 1 of this book (Silver Marches). Surrounded by a low wooden palisade with pens for horses, sheep, and cattle just beyond the palisade, it might pass for any of a number of other small frontier settlements. The tribe still hunts the forests and hills near its settlement, but no longer depends solely on game for survival.Черные Львы и Красные Тигры. К северу от территории племени Синего Медведя, в Мерцающем Лесу, находится Колодец Беорунны, довольно крупное поселение возле древнего родового кургана племени Красного Тигра. Поселение было основано некоторое время назад членами племени Черного Льва, которые решили пустить корни, а не продолжать кочевую жизнь. Хотя Красные Тигры не вполне довольны сложившейся ситуацией, они считают Колодец Беорунны своим священным местом и пытаются извлечь максимум выгоды из такого положения дел. Отряды Красных Тигров часто зимуют в Колодце Беорунны, и многие из них здесь продают меха и кожу, которые они добыли в окрестных лесах. Племя Черного Льва Черные Львы предали традиции Утгарда и обосновались около священного Колодца Беорунны. Большинство народа племени Черного Льва оставило поклонение Утгару и теперь поклоняются Хелму, Илматеру, Торму и Тиру. Курган предков: Колодец Беорунны. Ритуальный враг: Варвары тундры. Black Lion Characters A player who chooses the Black Lion as his barbarian character's home tribe should think about how the tribe's abandonment of tradition affects his character's outlook on life. Is he angry with his chieftain for breaking with tradition, deciding to venture forth into the world in order to carry on the old ways? Or perhaps he approves of these changes, and seeks to better understand the world by traveling through it and experiencing what adventures it has to offer. The Black Lion barbarian character must beware members of other tribes, however. Most other Uthgardt, particularly the Red Tigers, won't pass up any chance to mock or ridicule a Black Lion they meet on the trail. Some warriors from other tribe may even go so. far as to attack a Black Lion they encounter outside his village. Black Lion Tribe Ancestor Mound: Beorunna's Well Chieftain: Alaric the Strong Cleric: Patreveni Onehand Shaman: Bogohardt Blackmane Ritual Enemy: the tundra barbarians (tribes beyond the Spine of the World). Beast Power: Lion's Roar. Deafens foes for 1d6 turns if they do not make a sav¬ing throw vs. spells. Only Bogohardt can still wield this power. The black lion is long gone from the north, yet the tribe that bears its name lives on. Chief Alaric's badge of office is said to be a cape made of black lion skin (those who claim to have seen it recall only a mangy scrap of dirty black furl. Nestled in the wide valley that sepa¬rates the North from the glacier beyond is the small village of Beorunna's Well (mostly small huts, long houses and a few tents), which stands a respectful distance from the watery pit that is its name-sake. Here, the complacent Black Lions have forsaken tradition to become farmers and herders. Hunters still roam the wilds, but the tribe no longer depends upon them for survival. Agricultural success lets them trade with others for their needs. In forsaking their barbarian tradi¬tions, they have also cast aside their tribal totem. Most folk of Beorunna's Well worship the Tyr alliance of Tyr, Torm, Ilmater and Helm. Beorunna's Well is one of the most sacred sites of the Uthgar barbarians. The folk here sense its eldritch nature and fear it more than they revere it. During Runemeet, the Red Tiger tribe performs the required rituals while the Black Lions avoid entering the well.
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