Church of Amaunator Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Church of Amaunator

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Духовенство Амонатора было чрезвычайно иерархическим и подчинено строгим правилам. Каждый Справедливый Властелин (верховный жрец храма, который называется «Суд») курировал все аспекты церковных функций. Никто не может исполнять или оставлять свои обязанности без согласия Справедливого Властелина или одного из его семи Монастырских Настоятелей. В подчинении у каждого из семи Монастырских Настоятелей было еще семь Высших Юристов (священников), которые служили, безжалостно выполняя все обязанности, которые на них возлагались. Духовенство нижних рангов служило под началом Высших Юристов, они именовались (в порядке убывания): Юристы, Высшие Магистраты, Магистраты, Защитники Закона, Львы Порядка, Сияющие Служащие и Клерки. В церкви Амонатора была элитная секта священнослужителей и святых воинов, называемая Мастера Солнца, которая сейчас представляет собой ответвление церкви Латандера, известное как Братство Великолепного Солнца.   Все члены духовенства должны выучить, понять и знать, как извлечь выгоду из (использования) законов страны, города или провинции, в которых они живут. Для того, чтобы полностью понять нюансы закона и законодательной власти, духовенства непрестанно тренируются друг с другом, занимаются юридической практикой, когда это возможно, и применяют законы на практике во время судебных заседаний. Они принимают участие в расследованиях на местах преступлений и в создании новых законов в их местности, делают это с большим энтузиазмом и рвением. Амонатори часто служат в суде в качестве судей, представляют дела, выслушивают законные аргументы и споры. Они получают хорошие деньги за урегулирование торговых споров по договорам, соглашениям и другим способам по ведению торговой практики, создают комфортные условия жизни для себя и своей церкви, выступая в качестве арбитров всех видов коммерческих и личных претензий, которые не заслуживают внимания деятелей власти в высшей инстанции.   Церковь Латандера не обошлась без выдающихся ересей, в том числе Ереси Взошедшего Солнца и Ереси Треликого Солнца. Обе организации сосредоточились на том, чтобы вернуть Амонатора, и первая из них позже доказала правду, когда Амонатор вернулся.  


  Братство Солнца Этот орден был объединением странствующих монахов, которые верой служили в своих областях, неся слова утешения Амонатора крестьянам и простым людям, и сохраняли порядок на всей территории страны. Хотя Братство пережило падение Нетерила и смерть Амонатора, оно никогда не объединилось вокруг собственного преемника. Вместо этого, каждый монастырь выбрал себе иное божество для прислуживания, и большинство, в конечном счете, примкнули к Латандеру или Селунэ, но некоторые выбрали Сьюни. К Эпохе Человечества Братство Солнца стало больше известно как Орден Души Солнца, а изначально объединенные с церковью Амонатора группы были забыты. В то время орден признавал и мужчин, и женщин, но сохранял свою природу странствий и традиционное направление служения народу Торила.   Братство Великолепного Солнца Этот орден был группой священников, которые считали, что Амонатор тайно воплотился в Латандера в Эпоху Потрясений. Божественные заклинатели в ордене, которые сумели обрести изначальный священный символ Амонатора, получили возможность стать солнечными мастерами, а также приобрели много полезных способностей, связанных с солнечным светом. CLERGY The clerics of Amaunator, known as sunlords/sunladies, typically serve as judges, advocates, and arbiters for legal disputes. They study the laws of the land intensely so that they do not besmirch the proud reputation of their faith for fairness to the letter of the law. Their services are particularly popular for merchant disputes and business contract negotiations, and many courthouses will have some way to contact a nearby cleric of Amaunator for assistance. The paladins of Amaunator are known as lawbringers. They are often charged with tracking down suspected criminals or investigating crime scenes. As long as they have ben given jurisdiction by the local governing powers, the lawbringers will work tirelessly to bring justice to victims of heinous crimes. Thanks to the vast popularity of Lathander’s faith before the Spellplague, and Amaunator’s temporary acquisition of Lathander’s church before the Sundering, there are many temples devoted to Amaunator wherever the light of the Sun can reach, especially in towns, villages, and cities where the rule of law is vital for maintaining order and peace. Although the faithful have been divided between the Keeper of Law and the Morninglord, Amaunator enjoys a wealth of following that may rival or even surpass his influence in the days of ancient Netheril. Clerics and paladins of Amaunator usually pray for their spells at noon (when the sun is at its highest this symbolizes the aspiration to achieve greater heights of success through hard work and diligence. The standard daily ritual for clerics or paladins of Amaunator is to spend some time learning and reviewing the laws of the region that they are currently in. A servant of the Yellow God is rarely without a reference book(s) for the purpose of daily study. By acquiring at least basic knowledge of local laws, one can be all the more reliable in enforcing the laws. Traditional ceremonial dress is a long sleeved robe that hangs down to just below the knees. The robe is covered with arcane symbols and depictions of the sun, in patterns that produce a symmetry between right and left sides. Typical colors for the robe are a mix of yellow, red, and orange. A sunburst headpiece (a sun-shaped bauble connected to a cord, ribbon, or band) may accompany the robe. Some of the wealthier priests of Amaunator use gold decorations and gemstone embroidery for their robes, along with holy symbols there are made of gold or gold-plated metal (symbols of Amaunator are most commonly made of painted wood). Clerics and paladins of Amaunator must obtain knowledge of the local laws and customs wherever they travel or live, and must learn where to contact the local government and/or law enforcement. Before embarking on a mission to apprehend a suspected criminal or fugitive, a cleric or paladin of Amaunator must first inform local authorities, so as not to unknowingly interfere with ongoing investigations; this rule however does not apply if there is no law enforcement available to be contacted in the local vicinity. In order for a cleric or paladin of Amaunator to act more freely under the local law, it is strongly recommended to acquire official authorization from the local governor(s) for special powers (authority and permissions) allocated to recognized law enforcers; many regions where Amaunator’s faith is practiced already have laws recognizing ordained servants of Amaunator (with proper documentation) as deputized officers of the law. The lifestyle of a cleric or paladin of Amaunator is typically that of intense study and paperwork outside of proselytization and adventuring. The church’s administrators will frequently send out its representatives to perform surveys, collections, and subpoena deliveries. Over the course of a tenday, many written forms will pass through the hands of sunlord or lawbringer serving in a stationary position. When traveling, the servants of Amaunator will often serve as messengers between church offices, carrying letters and documents in their backpacks. The clerics and paladins of Amaunator are otherwise free to pursue whatever pastime they desire, which usually has something to do with studying laws. Thousands of years past, Amaunator adjudicated the signing of a treaty between deities known as the Pantheon Contour, which supported by mutual agreement the boundaries of territories for the different pantheons influencing the world of Toril. This was a crowning achievement for the Light of Law, since war between the gods was averted and the world was spared from a potential calamity the likes of which would not have been seen since the Dawn War. The anniversary celebration of this feat became “God Pact”, the holiest of days for the church of Amaunator, celebrated on the third full moon of the year; the faithful of the Yellow God organize parades and festivals for this occasion, with the ordained priests of the church putting on their full ceremonial regalia for their participation. “Sun Feast” is a holiday celebrated on the longest day of the year, the summer solstice. On this day, the faithful of Amaunator relax, sunbathe, and give prayers to their god, thanking him for the Sun’s light. Young children of the faithful are popularly teased with the claim that if they do not properly give thanks, that the Keeper of the Eternal Sun would withhold the sunlight for an entire year. When a fellow worshipper successfully advocates for a court case, or successfully engineers the passing of a law, it is a custom for the local priests of Amaunator to give thanks by burning magically preserved tree leaves and incense.   THE CHURCH OF AMAUNATOR CLERGY OF AMAUNATOR Priests: Sunlords/Sunladies[11 Adjective: Amaunatori[11 Alignment: Any lawful[11 Classes: Clerics[11 (Life or Light domains), Monks[11 (Way of the Sun Soul), Paladins[11 (Oath of the Crown) Religious Training: When ordained priests of Amaunator (including PC clerics with the Acolyte background) make an Intelligence (Religion) check related to Faerunian religion, they may add their proficiency bonus to the check, in addition to their normal bonus. Amaunator's clergy, known as sunlords and sunladies, are extremely hierarchical and rulebound[11. The Righteous Potentate is in charge of the overall direction of the faith, while the Monastic Abbots teach the masses of people who flock to the faith's temples on a regular basis and oversee the preparation of clergy novices to move into positions of power in the church. The High Jurists serve the Abbots, and each tends to a different supplemental duty, including the upkeep of the grounds and temple farms, upkeep of the church interior, upkeep of the church exterior, procurement of the necessities of the spirit, procurement of the necessities of the flesh (food, supplies, etc.), upkeep and expansion of the law library, and cultivation and supervision of itinerant monk missionaries who walk the world, preaching the peace that can be found in the understanding of law. These monks of Amaunator are the only clergy members not tied intimately to temple duties at least part of the time, though they are required to report to the temple or shrine they are assigned to at least once a year. Jurists serve the High Jurists directly, whereas High Magistrates and Magistrates attend major and lesser temples. Champions of the faith, such as many clerics, paladins, and monks, are normally referred to as Defenders of the Law or Lions of Order (depending if they have stationary or missionary roles). Priests in training are called Radiant Servants. Beneath them are the non-priest Amaunatori administrators, known as Clerks. In the days of ancient Netheril, priests of Amaunator were powerful political figures, and many served as regional rulers and political advisors[11. There was a Righteous Potentate for each major temple at this time, rather than just one for the faith as there is today, and each of the other ranks was also a rank lower than they are today[11. Despite the clergy members' efforts to halt the creeping desert, the Anauroch approached relentlessly after the magical catastrophe brought on by Karsus's Folly[11. When the population rose up in revolt after seven years of bad harvests, the priests of Amaunator responded without mercy to suppress the uprising[11. This slide towards tyranny led to the overthrow of the political and religious authority of Amaunator's clergy[11. The faith of Amaunator over the last century deviated drastically from the pattern, likely in part because of the influence of the church's connection with Lathander. However, with the return of Lathander, some more pessimistic sages suspect the clergy of Amaunator may return to the old ways. DOGMA Amaunatori are taught that the law is the central pillar of society. The law keeps order, and without it civilization would unravel and chaos would reign[11. Amaunator represents the sure function of the law, for just as certainly as the sun would rise in the morning, the law could deal fairly with any dispute and any crime[11. Novice Amaunatori were charged as follows: "Learn the law and live it; obey its every letter and clause, for in knowledge of the intricacies of law lies freedom to act with righteous impunity[11. Keep track of the decisions of your superiors so that the body of precedent continues to grow and the unity of purpose of the rulings of Amaunator is made manifest to all[11. Serve your superiors faithfully, and they will reward you faithfully; shirk your duty and find the harsh hand of reproof".[11 Amaunator's strict commands include to obey the law and respect tradition, to always meet your commitments and never be late, and to be organized in all pursuits.[41  DAY-TO-DAY ACTIVITIES All clergy members have to learn, understand, and know how to exploit the laws of the land, the city, and the province they live in[1]. In order to completely understand the nuances of law and legislature, the clergy constantly drill each other, practice law in court whenever possible, and rehearse law in practice courtrooms[1]. They cannot resist investigating the scene of a crime or taking part in the construction of new laws in their locale, and do so with great intensity and fervour[1]. Amaunatori often serve in courts as judges, to present cases and to hear legal arguments and disputes[1]. They are paid well to settle merchant disputes over contracts, agreements, and trade practices and make a comfortable living for themselves and their church as arbitrators of all sorts of commercial and personal claims not worthy of the attention of figures of power in ultimate authority[1]. Amaunatori temples in larger cities sometimes serve as law schools[19], and even clergy in smaller settlements often give some instruction on the law. In the time of Netheril, Amaunatori temples were called "courts"[6], and in some cases they still serve that dual purpose today. HOLY DAYS/IMPORTANT CEREMONIES The holiest of days in the church of Amaunator is the celebration of the anniversary of the signing of the Pantheon Contour, an agreement between the powers adjudicated by Amaunator. This is celebrated on the third full moon of the year[1]. The festivities are marked by Amaunator's followers donning magisterial regalia and parading the holy symbol of Amaunator before every temple, court, and through the streets[1]. The longest day of the year, the summer solstice, is another important holiday[1]. The followers of Amaunator spend the day relaxing, sunbathing, and praying to their god, thanking him for the gift of sunlight he sheds on the world[1]. Amaunatori believe that if this day is not properly celebrated, Amaunator will withhold sunlight from the face of Toril for a year[1]. An only slightly less important holy day is that of Midsummer. Many Amaunatori believe that the first true sign of Amaunator's impending return took place on Midsummer of 1374 DR, when Daelegoth Orndeir summoned an eternal sun above Elversult and proclaimed his imminent return[2]. The day is usually reserved for quiet devotions to the sun god. Every time a devout follower of Amaunator is able to take advantage of someone in a contract, successfully debate his or her case in court, or effectively pass a new law, the priest of Amaunator gives thanks to the Keeper of the Sun by burning magically preserved oak leaves and incense in his honour[1]. CHURCH SECTS Amaunatori are rigid and traditional in the worship of their deity, and until recently little variety existed between different sects[4]. From after the fall of Netheril, the only prayers to Amaunator were to Lathander, who was thought to be Amaunator reborn[4]. When Amaunator finally returned following the Spellplague it continued to be believed by the majority of Amaunator's clergy that the two deities were one and the same[9]. However, with the return of the god Lathander as a separate entity in the Sundering[9], much of the doctrine of Amaunator's church has been called into question. Church of Amaunator: The mainstream clergy still await a sign from their god on the truth of the return of Lathander, and in the meantime most hold to their traditional views in a cycle between Amaunator and Lathander that takes place over millennia. Many within the Church believe that the returned "Lathander" cannot possibly be who his priests say he is, and that the so-called-deity is actually an imposter entity wishing to undermine the Church of Amaunator's teachings - and is possibly even an ally of Amaunator's ancient enemies Talos or Shar. However, while they await an official sign from Amaunator, they have not yet taken open action against the faithful of Lathander, nor have they condemned the arising divisions within the Church, exemplified by the True and the Faith of the Dual Sun. The True: This was until recently but a small and aggressive sect within Amaunator's church that held to the view that Lathander and Amaunator were not different guises of the same deity, but different gods all together. The True claimed that the Brotherhood of the Glorious Sun had become unable to see the truth due to the influence of centuries of Lathander worship in their teachings. They had become soft under the influence of the Morninglord, and wished to see a continuance of their way of life in that Amaunator was merely a transfigured Lathander. The True's "truth" is that Lathander and Amaunator are not related at all, and all the teachings and trappings of Lathander must be eradicated from the Church of Amaunator, which must be stripped down to the essentials and rebuilt. This is a view that puts them at odds with the mainstream clergy, who often occupy old Lathanderian temples. The Faith of the Dual Sun: This sect believes that Amaunator and Lathander are indeed different deities, but they are allies who have worked together for millennia to bring order, stability, and light to the world. The Brotherhood believes that the deities have never been antagonists, but instead are allies that share their divine power with one another - if one god is needed more at any particular time, the other gives up some divine power to it. It is the Brotherhood's belief that the world is entering into a period where the two gods are needed equally, and thus the two clergies must work together to bring about a better world. The Broken Sun heresy: The one sect of Amaunator that is considered truly heretical is that of the Broken Sun. The followers of this sect believe that Lathander, Amaunator, and Jergal are all just reflections of a tri-partite overdeity of the sun. As the sun turns, at any one time only one or two of the sun's faces can be present in the world, just like a spinning prism. However, since the Sundering all three have been present in the world, and what was once known as the Three-Faced Sun heresy has been called into question. The adherents of the heresy that have stayed true to their faith believe that the overdeity must have been fractured by the early return of Lathander, and that Lathander's faith on Toril must be wiped out for the sun to be whole once more. Their movement is a violent one, but their numbers are small. Amaunator is Pelor: Although not a true sect, some planar travellers have come to the conclusion that Amaunator and Pelor are different guises of the same deity, much like some on Toril believe that Lathander and Amaunator are. They point primarily to similarities in the holy symbols of the two deities, as well as them both being sun gods. However, this belief is scoffed at by the clergy of both deities, who point to the vast differences in portfolio and attitude between the two. AFFILIATED ORDERS The Syndicate of Celestial and Righteous Lawmakers: The Syndicate was the first paladin order to arise after the return of Amaunator, basing their name and mission on an ancient paladin order of Amaunator from the days of Netheril[6]. It consists of a group of paladins and a few warriors who worship Amaunator because of his love of law[6]. These women and men teach the lawful side of Amaunator, interpreting his somewhat non-good tendencies as deific recommendations that can be safely ignored or softened to a more humanitarian tone[6]. These warriors brand the business side of their shields with variants of continual flame spells[6]. Their shields give them a lasting light source in darkness and a bonus in some strategic situations where they could nearly blind their foes with the intensity of light coming from their shields[6]. Because of the good work of these paladins, Amaunator has often been perceived as a lawful and good god in the time since his return. The Companions of Elturgard: When a second sun appeared above Elturel in the 1440s DR and burned away the undead that had come to rule there[5], many faithful of Amaunator were drawn to the city because of the orb's similarity to the one Daelegoth Orndeir had created above Elversult. The orb came to be known as "Amaunator's Gift", and many pondered if it had been this orb that Daelegoth had seen in his visions, not the one he himself had created. The paladins of Amaunator were not the only paladins to arrive and claim the orb was the work of their god, however[5]. Paladins of other gods such as Torm also claimed this, and so the different orders elected a High Observer from amongst their ranks and made a "Creed Resolute" that they would not ascribe the Companion to any one god, or allow religious differences to come between them[5]. Thus was formed the Companions of Elturgard, a company of paladins including those of Amaunator[5]. Those of Amaunator are often most focused on maintaining the letter of the law within Elturgard. The Brotherhood of the Sun: The monks of Amaunator in the days of Netheril belonged to the Brotherhood of the Sun, an association of itinerant monks who served the faithful in the field, bringing the comforting words of Amaunator to the peasants and common folk and preserving order throughout the land[1]. When Amaunator's faith died after Netheril's fall, the Brotherhood never coalesced around a successor, and each monastery chose its own god to serve[20]. Most eventually gravitated to Lathander or Selune, though a few chose Sune[20]. These similar orders became known as the Order of the Sun Soul, and they largely forgot their association with Amaunator[20]. When Amaunator eventually returned centuries later, the Order of the Sun Soul mostly continued as they had[5]. However, a few monasteries have since uncovered the truth of their order, and have reinitiated the Brotherhood of the Sun. The monks train their "spiritual light within" until it can come to harbour a small fragment of the sun's divine essence, which they can then use to manifest their powers. Their symbol is a sunburst[1]. The Most Transcendent Affiliation of Paradisiacal Pens: These aloof and arrogant individuals travelled the world preaching the holiness of law and order in the days of Netheril[1]. Their mission in life was to build amphitheatre-sized buildings dedicated to the preservation of law[1]. These huge, stone-walled monstrosities contained books and scrolls detailing the laws of every land and every city that the followers of Amaunator encountered[1]. Although their Order has not been reformed, priests of Amaunator still value the cataloguing of laws. MAJOR CENTRES OF WORSHIP Elversult: The city of Elversult on the Dragon Coast has become the spiritual centre of Amaunator's worship in Faerun. Sunlord Daelegoth Orndeir summoned the "eternal sun" that hangs above it in 1374 DR, heralding the return of the sun god[2], and since then pilgrims from all over the continent have come to see the city were Daelegoth performed three miracles in the name of Amaunator - shielding it from the floods of the High Ice[2], raising many dead killed by the Princes of Shade[2], and summoning the eternal sun above the city[2]. Amaunator's faithful oversee the law and order of the city. Elturel: The clifftop city of Elturel above the River Chionthar also has an eternal sun hanging above it, very similar in nature to that above Elversult[5]. However, how the orb that hangs above the capital of Elturgard came to be there is a very different story[5]. It suddenly appeared, in the 1440s DR when the city was ruled by a vampire, and instantly obliterated the undead within the city[5]. Though none know how it came to be, its similarity to the eternal sun over Elversult led to it becoming called "Amaunator's Gift"[5]. More colloquially it is known as the Companion®. Named for it are the Companions of Elturgard, an order of paladins including those of Amaunator that help keep order in the city[5]. Elturgard itself is ruled by a High Observer, traditionally drawn from among the paladins, but for the first time it is now occupied by someone outside the order - Thavus Kreeg, a priest of Torm[5]. Waterdeep: The Spires of the Morning in Waterdeep was once the largest and most opulent of Lathander's temples[1], but upon that gods disappearance in the Spellplague, it was taken over by the clergy of Amaunator[13]. As Waterdeep is one of the largest cities in Faerun, the Spires of the Morning sees very large numbers of Amaunator's faithful through its doors every day. However, there are rumours in the streets of the city that the faithful of Lathander want their temple back, and a conflict between the two churches is inevitable. Telpir: A port town near the Gulthmere Forest, Telpir's Tower of the Morning was the first major temple of Lathander to openly preach what was then known as the Risen Sun heresy - that Lathander not only Amaunator reborn, but Amaunator's return was imminent®. The town remains a bastion of Amaunator's faithful. Luthcheq: In the tumultuous years following the Spellplague, Amaunator's faith gained a strong following in Chessenta[21]. The faithful saw the resurgent sun god as Hokatep of old, returned to Faerun to aid his long-suffering people in their time of greatest need[21]. The colonnaded house of Amaunator, in Luthcheq's Temple Square, is a grand site to behold; an enormous sundial reaches skyward in front of the temple[21]. Sword Coast: There is a shrine on the Sword Coast that devoted pilgrims travel from as far away as Hillsfar to get to[22]. The site is a closely guarded secret of the Sunlords and Sunladies of the priesthood, but some believe that it may be the resting place of Daelegoth Orndeir, who was said to travel west when he was dying, in order to emulate the sun's descent into darkness at the end of every day. There has been some speculation that the shrine lies somewhere on the coast north of Waterdeep. Other temples to Amaunator exist in settlements throughout Faerun, and are often older edifices that were converted from the faith of Lathander after that god's disappearance in the Spellplague. OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Unity: The ancient Netherese enclave of Unity was built in the 7th century of Netheril in -3,245 DR, three hundred years before loulaum raised the first floating city[6]. It was home to the largest temple to Amaunator in Netheril, the Forested Enclave of the Face on the Sun, so named because the community sat within the Facile Forest (part of the much larger Far Horns Forest, which no longer exists)[6]. The steeple of this monstrous three-story pentagonal, hemispherically roofed building thrust 17 stories above the landscape, allowing the solar disk of Amaunator to be seen far above the surrounding trees[6]. It survived for almost three thousand years, until Unity was abandoned along with the faith of Amaunator after the Empire of Netheril fell[6]. As the Fall of Netheril grew closer, fiends from the lower planes invaded Unity, and a three-year war was fought there - a war Karsus used heavy magic in to win[6]. Afterwards, strange magically altered beings infiltrated the settlement161. However, it was the encroachment of the Anauroch that finally led the last of the people of Unity to leave, the forest around it having died away long before161. What has become of the ruins is unknown, but they are likely at least partly buried under the hot desert sands of the Anauroch somewhere northeast of Weathercote Wood. There are rumours that some of the effects of Karsus's use of heavy magic may persist there. Trinity: During the silver age of Netheril, three separate orders of Amaunator founded the settlement of Trinity on the shores of the Hidden Lake (later the Shadow Sea, which has since dried up)161. These orders were escaping the persecution of Shar, which brought them together to create a new order free of much of the bureaucracy present in Amaunator's church elsewhere161. In Trinity they founded a great temple to Amaunator, known as the Temple of Time161. From the time about 350 years before Netheril's fall, the Temple's priests were wracked by strange dreams of storms, fire, and darkness161. As the Fall approached closer, these dreams spread to Trinity's citizens, and the Temple began to reflect light from its walls, acting as a beacon that could be seen for miles161. When the Fall finally arrived, the Temple ceased to glow, and an eclipse darkened the skies above and thunder and lightning replaced the sun, and the people of the settlement finally abandoned it to the desert sands161. Synod: During the golden age of Netheril, many floating enclaves soared in the skies above Faerun161. One of these was Synod, a city ruled by an archwizard with a religious bent who was a follower of Amaunator171. When the enclaves fell in - 339 DR, Synod was returning from the Sea of Fallen Stars, and subsequently crashed on the border of the Stonelands and the Anauroch171. Known to few is that sometime later the legendary sage Augathra discovered the buried ruin171. Synod became a crypt she never emerged from, having bound herself to the enclave's mythallar and become a form of sharn171. After that the power of the mythallar drew the phaerimm to Synod, and even later it drew the attention of the Shadovar when they returned to Toril171. Although the Shadovar have since been defeated, Synod may still be in the clutch of the phaerimm even today. Widowmaker Mountain and Sunrest Mountain: In the time of Netheril, two great mountains were considered holy to Amaunator - Sunrest Mountain and Widowmaker Mountain, both of which stand where the Plain of Standing Stones stands today161. The top of Widowmaker Mountain was so high that its peak was usually covered in fog or clouds, and it was only visible for a few days of every year - days considered holy to the followers of Amaunator161. It was said that a vast horde of artifacts and knowledge was left on top of the mountain by the creator races, and many tried to climb it, but no one has ever brought anything back161. The mountain is strangely impervious to the use of teleportation magic and magical gates161. To the west, the only slightly smaller Sunrest Mountain, was another mountain holy to Amaunator, that received pilgrims more often161. Fane of the Sun Swallower: Deep within Lizard Marsh on the Sword Coast is an abandoned temple of Amaunator1231. Within it are frescoes of elves, dwarves, humans, and halflings, which may indicate the temple dates to the time of Phalorm - likely indicating that the temple was dedicated to Lathander by a sect of the Brotherhood of the Glorious Sun, who at that time was the main group that believed that Lathander was the reborn Amaunator[3]. It has come to be the lair of the adult black dragon Sjachmalsvir, known to the lizardfolk that worship it as "Thoss Fyurnen", which means "Sun Swallower" in the lizardfolk tongue[23]. Sjachmalsvir is a mate of Cheleen, another black dragon who lairs in the High Moor[23]. PRIESTLY VESTMENTS Priests of Amaunator dress in bright, long-sleeved, ornate robes of yellow, red, and orange that were covered with sewn-on arcane symbols for the sun or depicted the sun through embroidery, artful dying, or gold decorations and gemstone encrustations placed to form a sun face[1]. Those priests with their own temples have their robes worked of cloth-of-gold[1]. A sunburst headpiece completes the ceremonial garb[1]. Holy symbols of Amaunator are always made of gold, gold-plated metal, or gold-painted wood[1]. Long ago, in the ancient temple of Amaunator in the Netherese city of Unity (now a ruin buried under the sands of the Anauroch), priests had an affinity for casting continual light on the cropped hair of their scalps[1]. Like hair bleaching or colouring, though, this incantation had to be reapplied monthly to affect new hair growth[1]. This is not a practice that is performed by modern priests. ADVENTURING GARB Adventuring clerics usually wear utilitarian garb, but prefer reds and oranges for cloaks, tabards, and accessories that are part of their armour[1]. When possible, they wear armour that has been washed or plated with gold[1]. REFERENCES 1. Julia Martin, Eric L. Boyd, Faiths & Avatars. 1996. 2. Ed Greenwood, Eric L. Boyd, Power of Faerûn. 2006. 3. Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout, Lost Empires of Faerûn. 2005. 4. Bruce R. Cordell, et al., Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide (4e). 2008. 5. Steve Kenson, et al., Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. 2015. 6. Dale "Slade" Henson, Jim Butler, Netheril: Empire of Magic. 1996. 7. Greg A. Vaughan, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Anauroch - The Empire of Shade. 2007. 8. Logan Bonner, Dragon Magazine #378 - Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms. 2009. 9. Richard Lee Byers, The Reaver. 2013. 10. Dale Donovan, Cloak and Dagger Web Enhancement - Dynasties of Westgate. 2001. 11. Brian R. James, et al., The Grand History of the Realms. 2007. 12. Eric L. Boyd, James Jacobs, Matt Forbeck, Races of Faerûn. 2003. 13. Steven Schend, Blackstaff Tower. 2008. 14. R.A. Salvatore, The Companions. 2013. 15. Paul S. Kemp, The Godborn. 2013. 16. Eytan Bernstein, Erik Scott de Bie, Dragon Magazine #381 - Channel Divinity: Champions of Torm. 2009. 17. David Noonan, Complete Divine. 2004. 18. Shawn Merwin, Steven Townshend, James Wyatt, War of Everlasting Darkness. 2012. 19. Dale "Slade" Henson, How The Mighty Are Fallen. 1996. 20. Eric L. Boyd, City of Splendors: Waterdeep. 2005. 21. Brian R. James, Dungeon Magazine #178 - Backdrop: Chessenta. 2010. 22. Wolfgang Baur, Steve Winter, Hoard of the Dragon Queen. 2014. 23. Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle. 2013.   ЦЕРКОВЬ   КЛИР клирики, особые жрецы, монахи   МИРОВОЗЗРЕНИЕ КЛИРА LG, LN, LE   ОБРАЩЕНИЕ НЕЖИТИ клирики, особые жрецы – со 2-го уровня.   КОМАНДОВАНИЕ НЕЖИТЬЮ нет   Все клирики, особые жрецы и монахи Амаунатора получают религию как бонусную не-оружейную специализацию.   Жрецы Амаунатора были могущественными политическими фигурами во времена расцвета Незерила. Многие были местными правителями и политическими советниками. Несмотря на старания членов клира остановить расширяющуюся пустыню, Анаурох безжалостно наступал после магической катастрофы, случившейся из-за гордости Карса. Когда население подняло восстание после семи лет плохого урожая, жрецы Амаунатора жестоко подавили его. Этот шаг в сторону тирании привел к свержению политической и религиозной власти клира Амаунатора.   Клир Амаунатора был исключительно иерархическим и управляемым. Каждый Праведный Владыка (высший жрец храма, именуемого «Суд») наблюдал за всеми аспектами церковной службы. Никто не мог быть назначен или освобожден от своих обязанностей без согласия Праведного Владыки или одного из семерых его Монастырских Аббатов. У каждого из семи Монастырских Аббатов было по семь Великих Законоведов (жрецов), которые служили неуклонно, исполняя все обязанности, которые им вменялись. Члены клира низшего ранга служили под началом Великих Законоведов, но их звания утеряны во мраке прошлого. Особые жрецы Амаунатора были известны как Солнечные Лорды/Леди.   Праведный Владыка проповедовал массам, приходившим в храм регулярно, и наблюдал за подготовкой членов Суда (новичков) к тому, чтобы занять свое место в церкви. Семь Монастырских Аббатов исполняли разные сопутствующие обязанности, включая управление землями и храмовыми фермами, ведение внутренних и внешних дел храма, поставка всего необходимого для духовной жизни, а также всего необходимого для плоти (пища, разные принадлежности), содержание и расширение библиотеки законов, и воспитание и руководство странствующих монахов-миссионеров, которые бродили по свету и проповедовали мир, который можно обрести, поняв закон. Эти монахи Амаунатора – единственные члены клира, не связанные храмовыми обязанностями по крайней мере часть времени, хотя они обязаны отчитываться в храме или часовне, к которой они приписаны, как минимум раз в год.   Догма: Амаунатор учил, что закон есть закон. Закон поддерживает порядок в обществе, а без него цивилизация развалится, и будет править хаос. Амаунатор представлял безусловную функцию закона, и как столетиями солнце должно было всходить утром, так закон должен ярко освещать любой спор и любое преступление.   Новичков Амаунатора наставляли следующим образом: «Изучайте закон и живите им, повинуйтесь каждой букве и каждому пункту его, ибо знание тонкостей закона дает свободу действовать праведно и безнаказанно. Следите за решениями ваших начальников, так, чтобы количество прецедентов продолжало расти, и единство целей правления Амаунатора было очевидно всем. Верно служите вашим начальникам, и они достойно вознаградят вас, если же будете уклоняться от своих обязанностей, то встретитесь с суровым порицанием».   Повседневная деятельность: Все члены клира должны были изучать, понимать и знать, как получать преимущества от использования законов страны, города и местности, где они живут. Чтобы полностью понять все нюансы законов и законодательных учреждений, клир постоянно натаскивал друг друга, применяя закон в суде при любой возможности, и повторяя законы во время практики в судебных комнатах. Они не могли удержаться от обследования места преступления или участия в разработке новых законов их местности, и занимались этим интенсивно и ревностно.   Амаунатори часто служили в судах как судьи, представляли дела и выслушивали аргументы в диспуте. Они получали хорошую оплату за решение конфликтов торговцев из-за контрактов, соглашений и торговых дел, и обеспечивали комфортную жизнь себе и своей церкви, исполняя роль арбитров во всех личных и коммерческих тяжбах, недостойных внимания влиятельных представителей верховной власти.   Священные дни/важные церемонии: Самым священным днем церкви Амаунатора был праздник годовщины подписания Конституции Пантеона, соглашения между богами, составленного Амаунатором. Этот праздник отмечался в третье полнолуние года. В ходе празднества последователи Амаунатора надевали судебные регалии и проходили в шествии со священным символом Амаунатора перед каждым судом и по улицам.   Самый длинный день в году, летнее солнцестояние, был еще одним важным праздником. Последователи Амаунатора проводили этот день отдыхая, наслаждаясь солнцем и молясь своему богу, благодаря его за дар солнечного света, который он изливает на мир. Амаунатори верили, что если этот день не отпраздновать должным образом, Амаунатор на год лишит Торил солнечного света.   Каждый раз, когда преданному последователю Амаунатора удавалось извлечь выгоду из какого-либо контракта, успешно представить дело в суде или эффективно провести новый закон, жрец Амаунатора благодарил Хранителя Солнца, сжигая магически сохраненные дубовые листья и ладан в его честь.   Основные центры поклонения: Единство, крупный анклав Незерила, был местом, где располагался крупнейший храм Амаунатора, Лесной Анклав под Ликом Солнца. Шпиль этого грандиозного трехэтажного пятиугольного с полусферической крышей здания возвышался над землей еще на семнадцать этажей, так, что солнечный диск Амаунатора был виден над окружающими деревьями.   Всю историю храма Праведные Владыки, наблюдавшие за ним, использовали заклинание продолжительный свет на свои коротко стриженые волосы. Как осветлитель или краску для волос, эти чары нужно было накладывать каждый месяц, чтобы воздействовать на вновь отросшие волосы. Как побочное действие этой традиции, гноллы из соседнего Гладкого Леса совершали ежемесячные паломничества в храм Амаунатора поклониться «просветленному». В результате нападения гноллов совершались в других частях леса.   Дочерние ордена: У церкви Амаунатора было несколько дочерних орденов, представительства которых можно было найти в любом поселении Незерила. Первый был объединением писцов и назывался Превосходнейшее Объединение Райских Перьев. Эти равнодушные и надменные личности странствовали по миру, проповедуя святость закона и порядка. Их жизненной миссией было строить здания размером с амфитеатр, посвященные сохранению закона. Эти огромные уродства с каменными стенами содержали книги и свитки, описывающие законы всех стран и всех городов, где побывали поклонники Амаунатора.   Синдикат Божественных и Праведных Законодателей был группой из 70 воинов и паладинов (в основном паладинов), которые поклонялись Амаунатору из-за его любви к закону. Эти мужчины и женщины постигали законопослушную сторону Амаунатора, интерпретируя некоторые его недобрые тенденции как божественные рекомендации, которые можно проигнорировать или смягчить до более гуманной интонации. Эти воины наносили на внешнюю сторону своих щитов особенно сильный вариант заклинания продолжительный свет, чтобы ослеплять преступников, с которыми они сталкивались. Это давало им постоянный источник света во тьме и преимущество в некоторых стратегических ситуациях, когда они практически ослепляли своих врагов интенсивностью света, который излучали их щиты.   Монахи Амаунатора принадлежали к Братству Солнца и объединению странствующих монахов, которые служили верующим в поле, принося слова Амаунатора крестьянам и простому народу и поддерживая порядок в стране. Их символом были солнечные лучи.   Одежды Жрецов: Жрецы Амаунатора одевались в яркие с длинными рукавами узорчатые робы, желтые, красные и оранжевые, покрытые пришитыми древними символами солнца, или изображали солнце вышивкой, искусной окраской или золотыми с драгоценными камнями инкрустациями в виде солнечного лика. Головной убор в виде солнца с лучами завершал церемониальное облачение. Священные символы Амаунатора делались из золота, позолоченных металлов или расписанного золотом дерева.   Дорожная одежда: Странствующие клирики носили обычную одежду, но предпочитали красные и оранжевые плащи, накидки и аксессуары, не являющиеся частью брони. При возможности они носили броню позолоченную или с золотой инкрустацией.

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