Church of Deneir
Written and drawn information har¬nesses what it describes, enabling readers and viewers to better live in harmony with the world around them and with each other. In this way, over time the world itself will be improved. Information should be freely available to all, ev¬eryone should be literate, and those who destroy or despoil writings, or conceal them, should be punished. Glyphscribes (priests of Deneir) must gather information, copy it, and share it with those who desire it and with their fellow Glyph- scribes. Additionally, they should catalog and clearly identify the context of all writings—for not to do so is to spread the three sins: ignorance, un¬certainty, and speculation. Travel the Realms for at least one of the four seasons of the year and seek out records that are lost in tombs, ruins, and abandoned dwellings; forgotten in storage or in the homes of folk who don’t read; or suppressed by courts, governments, and guilds.Secular Aims
Certain senior Glyphscribes fell into the habit of assembling written informa¬tion they knew would be precious to a ruler, an archwizard, or other powerful individual. They would then trade that information to that individ¬ual in return for access to other records they knew the individual possessed, which they could gain access to no other way. Over time, this behavior split into two practices on the part of a handful of Glyphscribes. One is selling information, which they justify doing on the grounds that it empowers the church of Deneir to purchase other records, or to buy ac¬cess to spellbooks and other valuable tomes for Glyphscribes to copy. The other is using the in¬formation they possess to manipulate or blackmail powerful beings. They justify such worldly deal¬ings as “getting closer to recovering some part of the ultimate truth,” but in the eyes of Elminster and other observers, they are becoming as adept at, and addicted to, controlling others as the Zhentarim are. Most active among these worldly Glyphscribes are the cold, paranoid “you are with me or you are my foe” High Scrivener Ambaerostrus of Athkatla; the sly and softly smiling “everyone’s friend” Belurtus Mhellovrar of Zazesspur; and the urbane, superb actor Taumpras Irorlar of Saerloon.Если вы хотите что то добавить или присоединится к команде редакторов - пишите комментарии
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