City Navy of Waterdeep - Флот Глубоководья
Heavily reliant on maritime trade, Waterdeep has long maintained a powerful navy capable of dominating its rivals along the Sword Coast and protecting its merchant shipping from pirates and monstrous threats.
Base of Operations
The navy is based in the Inner Fort, the Outer Fort, Smugglers' Bane Tower, and Harborwatch Tower, collectively garrisoned by almost a thousand marines at all times. The navy's fleet is based in the Naval Harbor.City Navy (Expansive Government)
AL LN, N, LG, NG, CG, LE, CN; 100,000 gp resource limit; Membership 2,000 (can grow up to 9,000 by recruiting merchant sailors in times of war Mixed (humans 1,380, elves [all kinds] 220, shield dwarves 140, lightfoot halflings 110, half-elves 80, half-orcs 70 Salary 6 gp/month (none to join). Authority Figure: Admiral XXXRequirements
You are expected to serve an average of 30 hours per tenday. This might involve several tendays away on a voyage, followed by a long leave in which you are free to do as you please.Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit
You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls while fighting on board a ship or boat. In times of war, merchant sailors are press-ganged into the navy and "encouraged" to swear an oath of loyalty to Waterdeep. The navy’s fleet consists of 16 fast “rakers” (or dromonds), slim top-armored vessels usually armed with two fi re-pot light catapults and two large deck-mounted ballistae that the guard uses with stunning accuracy against pirates and smugglers. These ships have armored bow rams, banks of oars, and two masts for crowding on sail in pursuit or when speed is essential. They are supported by twenty-four small lateen-sailed galleys, known as “strikers,” and fi fteen large, wallowing troop-and-supply vessels, or “transports.” At least two naval rakers are always on patrol outside the harbor, and another two are on “ready” duty within the harbor. At least four others will be on extended patrol somewhere off the Sword Coast on any day in peacetime. These ships have armored bow rams, banks of oars, and two masts for crowding on sail in pursuit or when speed is essential. They are supported by twenty-four small lateen-sailed galleys, known as "strikers," and fifteen large, wallowing troop-and-supply vessels, or "transports" At least two naval rakers are always on patrol outside the harbor, and another two are on "ready" duty within the harbor. At least four others will be on extended patrol somewhere off the Sword Coast on any day in peacetime.Ships
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