Elturel Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Whenever the innocent pray for help, I shall be the answer.
— Thaemin
  The capital city of Elturgard, Elturel is a powerful city defended by an impressive force of paladins and bathed in the constant light of a massive glowing orb which harms any undead who strays within its rays. It also makes getting to sleep at night much harder than normal. People there have thick curtains.   Elturgard's Companions, powerful paladin defenders, are the match of any Flaming Fist veteran or Knight in Silver, but their limited numbers make them a lesser military force than Baldur's Gate or Silverymoon, even supplemented as they are by the Hellrider cavalry and the Elturel Guard infantry. Even so, their might is sufficient to defend Elturgard from her numerous surrounding enemies: The yuan-ti of Najara just to the north, the lycanthropes of the Wood of Sharp Teeth to the west, gnolls from the Reaching Woods nestled on the east, and the ogres and more gnolls in the Sunset Mountains slightly further east.   Elturel is a theocracy run by the High Overseer of Torm. This makes toppling it from within very difficult, as getting promoted up through the Torm theocracy. Elturgard has no significant internal rifts and their primary trading partners are the immensely powerful Baldur's Gate and Cormyr. As such, finding a military proxy with which to conquer Elturgard is easily the best option for adding it to the sphere of influence. An alliance between the gnolls, ogres, and lycanthropes would have a fair chance if organized by effective leaders. An alliance of convenience with Najara isn't out of the question, for while Najara would never accept non-snake sovereignty over their territory, they might be convinced to help nonsnakes capture Elturgard simply to get rid of Elturgard as a potential threat.  








      Landmarks   Elturel thrives on trade. It’s a city of folk passing through. Barge trade on the Chionthar meets overland trade in the city where a six-wagon ferry crosses the river. The heart of the city is a cliff-sided tor, a natural stronghold that was held by trolls and then orcs before humans drove them out and first settled here. Its south or river end is capped by the soaring turrets of High Hall, the castle from which the High Rider rules. A long, wooded park runs along the ridgetop of the heights, watered by a spring that rises in the cellars of High Hall and runs down the Winter Garden to cascade off the tor at the northern end in a spectacular series of falls known as Maidens. Leap.   On the slopes around are the tall, narrow, many-balconied homes of the nobles. Below this High District are the flatlands of the city, known as the Dock District. The Dragoneye Dealing Coster has a major waybase hard by the docks, and the caster’s organized presence and the watchful patrols of the Riders, assisted by a trained and loyal guild of handlers (goods loaders and unloaders on the docks and wagons), keep this one of the safest dockside areas in all Faerûn. To the east, warehouses and hovels crowd together around the docks and the crammed stalls of Shiarra’s Market.   The more prosperous and orderly homes and shops west of the heights are still part of Dock District, but are increasingly referred to as Westerly, a separation used to imply cleanliness and prosperous success.or, to look at it from the other view, laziness, soft living, and pretentious arrogance. Whatever the sneers exchanged, no one denies that this city is wealthy.   The traveler can wander about anywhere in Elturel in perfect safety. The chief danger is from pickpockets, not knife-wielding thugs. No thieves. guild is tolerated in this city.and the best way to attract some hard questioning from a lot of eager-looking Riders with drawn swords is to whisper that so-and-so is a member of or such-and-such an incident is the work of a thieves. band.   The inns and taverns of the city are all fairly good’the lone exception that comes to mind is the poor but cheap Oar and Wagon Wheel Inn, and even it is always crowded with noisy patrons. The establishments described in this guide are among the most interesting’that is, shady and rough.in the city.   Elturel is home to a shrine to Tempus and two important temples. Both of the temples give temporary shelter and aid to the devout. Helm’s Shieldhall is a large holy fortress ruled over by High Watcher Berelduin Shondar, also known as Bereld the Just, a stern priest who leads as many Rider patrols as Lord Dhelt. The High Harvest Home, a temple to Chauntea, is presided over by High Harvestmaster Baulauvin Oregh.one of the most goddess-favored servants of Chauntea in all Faerûn.Elturel   Elturel is a city on a hill. It stands overlooking the River Chionthar, constantly illuminated by the Companion. A major location along the trade route through the Western Heartlands, Elturel and its environs for many miles around are a safe haven for visitors and citizens alike. Much of this safety comes from the efforts of the Hellriders, whose cavalry patrol the roads that lead into Elturgard, as well as the paths along the river.   In the city's center, directly beneath the Companion, is a cliff-sided tor that holds aloft the High Hall. This castle, whose walls surround the summit of the mount, is home to the High Observer, and to a great deal of the bureaucracy of Elturgard. A stream runs out of the center of the castle, spawned by the powerful springs in its cellars. It flows north across the tor's top and then down one of its cliffs in a series of waterfalls called the Maidens' Leap. By canal it forms a moat for the eastern Dock District, before it joins the Chionthar. Along the stream across the tor lies the long, narrow garden, an open place of flowers, wooded paths, and arched bridges. The garden is a favorite meeting place for citizens of Elturel and retains a wild beauty in winter. The rich folk of the city dwell nearest the garden atop the tor, while folk in the town below live mostly in tall, narrow homes that are rich in balconies and windows.   Its benefits notwithstanding, the constant illumination that bathes Elturel can be difficult for newcomers to adjust to. Inns and boarding halls usually swathe the windows of their guest rooms in thick cloth to block out the light so that visitors can get some sleep. Without the onset of dawn or dusk to frame the day's labors, citizens rely on the tolling of the bells from the High Hall to denote the start and end of the workday. The lack of natural darkness means the city sees less of the sorts of activities that city folk in other places often undertake at night. Elturel has a low incidence of brawling and ambushes in the alleys around its inns and taverns, and those who would engage in thievery must be especially careful and shrewd to succeed.    

Notable locations



  High Hall was the castle where the High Rider lived.  

Inns and taverns

  A Pair of Black Antlers was the best known tavern in the city.   The Bent Helm was a tavern of poor quality.   Gallowgar's Inn was a ramshackle inn.   Hondakar's House was a big, expensive inn.   The Oar and Wagonwheel Inn was always crowded, noisy and often draughty.   Phontyr's Unicorn was a famous and expensive place to stay.   Symbril's House was a cozy place with pleasant view of the city's garden.  


  Helm's Shieldhall was a large fortress dedicated to Helm.   High Harvest Home was a temple to Chauntea.    


  A sky-blue shield with a thick purple border all around. Extending up the center of the shield is a black castle tower, with a white arch-topped window centered in it just below its crenelated top (five merlons, which stand two-thirds up the shield in height).   это большой, упорядоченный город, сто­ящий на реке Чионтар и заполненный купцами, реч­ными торговцами и фермерами, привезшими свой урожай на продажу. Главная достопримечательность города - огромный шар магического света, осве­щающий его улицы и окрестности днём и ночью. Его свет болезненный для нежити и виден почти из каждого уголка Элтургарда [Elturgard] (столицей которого является Элтурель) как свет восходящего солнца или далёкой, но яркой звезды.       Золотой лимит (максимальная цена на торге): 10 000 зм      

Примечательные места


Высокий Зал

  ранее, крепость и резиденция Высшего Всадника. Здесь размещалась резиденция градоначальника. Теперь, Элтурелем и прилегающими к нему землями (Элтургардом) правит Высший Судья Торма.  

Шитовой Холл Хельма

  храм-крепость построенный в честь Хельма, бога защиты и охраны. Клирики Хельма (Приаты) помогают поддерживать порядок в городе и представляют костяк местного ополчения, если в таковом будет потребность. Также Щитовой Холл предоставляет услуги по найму телохранителей по всему Элтургарду.  

2. Дом Высокого Урожая

  храм Чонти, богини плодородия. Место паломничества всех окрестных фермеров и земледельцев.  

3. Мятый Шлем

  таверна низкого уровня. Ночь у огня в отдельном зале - 2 см, простая еда - 2 см, среднего качества эль - 1 см.  

4. Чёрные Рога

  лучшая таверна в городе. Здесь располагается местная штаб-квартира Ордена Перчатки.   Небольшая комната на 1го - 5 см за день. Еда - 7см. Выпивка на разные вкусы - 2 см.  

5. Постоялый Двор Гэллоугара

  ветхий постоялый двор в не благополучном районе. Если где и собирается сброд этих краёв - это именно то место.   Ночь у огня в общем зале - 1 см, скудная, простая еда - 2 см, дрянная брага - 5 мм.  

6. Фонтирский Единорог

  престижная и известная таверна.   Отдельные апартаменты с ванной, отдельной спальней и отхожим местом - 1 зм за день.   Лучшая еда в городе и окрестностях - 2 зм.   Лучшее вино и эль - 5 см.  

7. Рынок Шеларры

  огромный пустырь в юго-западной части города, не далеко от Доков Драконьих Глаз, заполненное палатками и повозками купцов и торговцев с востока. Разнообразнейшие товары из Кормира, Сембии и даже из далёкого Тэя.  

Доки Драконьих Глаз

  порт на реке Чионтар, через который проходит львиная доля товаров, попадающих после на рынок Шеларры. Здесь можно попробовать купить контрабандный товар, типа редких видов ядов или запрещенные вещества и знания.  

9. Зимний Сад и Препятствие Мальдена

  живописный парк в центре города, рассекающий его с юга на север, от Высокого Зала до Препятствия Мальдена - истока большого канала, расположенного внутри городских стен в восточной части города.  

Sebryn Korthyn

  author of "The Realm of the Dragon: Cormyr in the Time of Vangerdahast (Volume I)"   Sebryn Korthyn is a stay-at-home, academic sort of sage, who studies as many primary sources as he can get, combines their data, writes careful and conservative (= bland) accounts from those combinations, and then does just as you have done here: poses lists of questions to those he thinks will know, and from what answers he gets, rewrite his accounts before he publishes (with notes and warnings where he thinks his lore is "quite" incomplete). So he's reliable, boring, "safe," and tends to say less (and less interesting stuff) than other writers. But tries to be neutral/objective (whereas some other sages can be very slanted in their coverage, but might not admit to that). So far as I know, he's never been to Cormyr.  

Notable Churches

  • Helm’s Shieldhall, temple of Helm; High Watcher XXXXXX , 21 priests, 85 followers.
  • The High Harvest Home, temple of Chauntea; High Priest and Harvestmaster xxxxxxx ; 18 priests, 42 followers.
  • Shrines to Ilmater, Tempus, Tymora, Waukeen.
  • Notable Rogues’ and Thieves’ Guilds

      The only such organization Lord Dhelt al¬lows is the High Moor Heroes’ Guild, a band of adventurers who regularly lead «scouring» expeditions up onto the High Moor. The guild members tutor other ad¬venturers for fees (discounts to fellow guildmembers) and provide a legitimate outlet for the lawless, violent, penniless and other misfits of Elturel.   Equipment Shops: Partial.  

    Adventurers’ Quarters

      The better inns of Elturel are converted houses (often sev¬eral adjacent houses, linked together) in the High District. The noisier, simpler ac¬comodations of the Dock District are of¬ten the only places a bed can be found on summer nights when trade is at its height. By Lord Dhelt’s decree, inns cannot serve drinks, neither can inns and taverns be under the same roof.  

    In the High District:

  • Hondakar’s House, a large inn in the heart of the High District (excellent/ expensive
  • Symbril’s House, a small, cozy inn near Maidens’ Leap in the High District, overlooking (nd opening into) the Gar¬den (excellent/ moderate).
  • In the Dock District:

  • Phontyr’s Unicorn, a converted former factory, which is ramshackle, ec¬centric, and friendly, the scene of shady deals and much late-night business (good/cheap
  • Gallowglar’s Inn, a warm but well- worn, low-beamed place that sprawls amid the aromatic stockyards (fair/ moderate
  • The Oar and Wagonwheel Inn, a rau¬cous, drafty barn of a place, always crowded and never quiet (poor/cheap).
  • The best-known of Elturel’s taverns is A Pair of Black Antlers, a dimly-lit, wood-panelled place adorned with a pair of stag’s antlers fully 20 feet across, and many adventurers’ relics and parapher¬nalia.
  • Also popular among louder carousers is The Bent Helm, a dockside establish¬ment favored by smugglers and other shady sorts, and often visited by 20- strong Hellrider foot patrols, called in to quell yet another brawl.
  • Important Features in Town

      Situated on a rising, defensible hill that falls away in a rocky cliff on its south side where the Chionthar flows, the High District of Elturel dominates the untidy, noisome Dock District below, which is dominated by warehouses, markets, wagonmakers, and large stockyards. A Dragoneye Deal¬ing Coster way-base is located in the Dock District and many other caravan- related concerns also have yards, or at least offices, there.   The Dock District is all dirt, business, and utilitarian buildings, but the High District is built of stone. Its narrow, twist¬ing, steep, cobbled streets are crowded with spired and balcony-festooned tall, narrow houses, dominated by the spires of High Hall, residence of the High Rider, and seat of local government and all large commercial meetings.   Stretching away from High Hall in a narrow cut amid the buildings, «like the blade of a naked sword,» as Elminster put it, lies the long, narrow Garden. It is an open place of flowers, wooded paths, arched bridges, and a spring that rises un¬der High Hall (ensuring the city a supply of fresh water), and winds the length of the Garden, to tumble down the hill in the cascades of Maidens’ Leap, and thence by canal to form a moat and bargeway for the eastern Dock District, ere it joins the Chionthar.   The Garden is a favorite meeting place for citizens of Elturel, and retains a wild beauty in winter (local songs and tales of¬ten call it «the Winter Garden»).   A stout stone wall encircles the city, pierced by two gates, and open on the river side.  

    Local Lore

      Elturel is a trading city where river travel on the Chionthar meets overland trade. It is also the local market for the rich farming lands of The Fields of the Dead and the fertile banks of the lower Chionthar, where thousands of sheep and cattle are gathered each year for transport to the markets far across Faerun.   Of old, Elturel was one of the few defensible spots in the great rolling lands from the Sword Coast to the vast woodlands of the Meet, where the River Reaching joins the Chionthar. Once a troll lord had a stronghold on the heights here. Later an ogre chieftan drove out the trolls and held the lands around from a crude stone for¬tress on the site. In the days when men had come but trolls, ogres, and the like still roamed the region, a human castle stood here, changing hands from lordling to lordling, but serving always as a refuge for humans against the dangers of the lands around. Brigands are the chief danger to¬day, although orcs, trolls, ogres and such still come raiding from the mist- cloaked High Moor to despoil the rich farms of The Fields of the Dead. The great battles which gave that region its name may be past now, but the men of Elturel still keep their arms, patrolling the farms which look to them for protection. «The Riders of Elturel» have galloped out of the night to save many a farmer from trolls or worse, and are famous in song. High Rider Lord Dhelt still leads his share of patrols— and all big sorties, when trouble is met —into the lands around, and is widely respected as a just, no-nonsense ruler.  

    Inns and Taverns

      Oar and Wagon Wheel Inn is cheap and always crowded with noisy patrons.   The Wizard’s Harlot is a well kept inn and tavern   Bent Helm is a tavern of poor quality.   A Pair of Black Antlers is the best known tavern in the city.   Gallowgar’s Inn is a ramshackle inn.   Phontyr’s Unicorn is a famous and expensive place to stay.   The inns and taverns of the city are all fairly good with a few exceptions, especially near the docks.  

    Temples, Churches and Shrines

      Elturel is home to a shrine to Tempus and three important temples, that give temporary shelter and aid to the devout. Each of these temples have much smaller shrines, and places of worship throughout the city, including ones to Ilmater, Tymora, Waukeen.   Helm’s Shieldhall is a large holy fortress ruled over by High Watcher Berelduin Shondar, also known as Bereld the Just, a stern priest who leads as many Rider patrols as Lord Dhelt.   The High Harvest Home, a temple to Chauntea, is presided over by High Harvestmaster Baulauvin Oregh one of the most goddess-favored servants of Chauntea in all Faerûn.   The Workshop of Gond, which is a temple in west of the city overseen by High Tinkerer Maurice Louvre.  


      The High District of Elturel dominates the untidy, noisome Dock District below. The High District is built of stone, with narrow, twisting, steep cobbled streets that are crowded with spired and balcony-festooned tall narrow houses. High Hall is the residence of the High Rider, and seat of local government and all large commercial meetings.   The Garden stretches away from High Hall in a narrow cut amid the buildings, “like the blade of a naked sword” as Elminster put it. It is an open place of flowers, wooded paths, arched bridges, and a spring that rises under High Hall (ensuring the city a supply of fresh water), and winds the length of the Garden, to tumble down the hill in the cascades of Maidens’ Leap, and thence by canal to form a moat and bargeway for the eastern Dock District,w ere it joins the Chionthar. The Garden is a favorite meeting place for citizens of Elturel, and retains wild beauty in winter (Local songs and tales often call it “the Winter Garden”).   The Dock District or Waltfolk is settled below the High District. The Dock District is all dirt, business, and utilitarian buildings, which is dominated by warehouses, markets, wagonmakers, and large stockyards. A Dragoneye Dealing Coster way-base is located in the Dock District and many other caravan-related concerns also have yards, or atleast offices there. To the east, warehouses and hovels crowd together around the docks and the crammed stalls of Shiarra’s Market.   Westerly is the more prosperous and orderly homes and shops west of the heights that are still part of Dock District. This area has been increasingly referred to as Westerly for separation to imply cleanliness and prosperous success or, to look at it from the other view, laziness, soft living, and pretentious arrogance.   Dungeon of the Inquisitor is reserved for those who trespass against the laws of Elturgard three times. This vast, subterranean maze lies deep beneath the streets of Elturel, and its population is constantly being replenished by new lawbreakers. Parts of the dungeon consist of natural caverns discovered during the excavation, and their full extents and final destinations have yet to be determined. Strange sounds infrequently echo from unknown cavities—sometimes rushing water is heard, other times the enraged roars of vicious behemoths ring out. From time to time, dungeon prisoners on mining detail escape their captors and dash into unexplored crevices and tunnels. They are never seen again, on or below Faerûn.


    около 17000 (Люди 78%, Эльфы 7%, Халфлинги 4%, Дварфы 1%, Прочие 10%)


    Elturel has only ever been noted as having a single, absolute ruler. The city was ruled by the High Observer of Torm who made certain that the city was run efficiently and that the area surrounding the city remained safe.


    Elturel's main defense for much of its existence were the mounted warriors known as the Hellriders. Though they numbered only 2,000, they were not only the guards and police of the city, they also effectively patrolled the River Chionthar and surrounding roads. After the Spellplague, Elturel was the home of many paladins, who ably protected the city from the forces of evil and plaguechanged creatures coming from the south. A shining orb known as the Companion hung over the city although only the High Observer truly knew if this was a blessing of Amaunator. The orb produced light that was painful to undead, and could be seen from virtually anywhere within Elturgard.  

    Armed Forces

      The Hellriders, consist¬ing of skilled horsemen armed with spears, composite bows (they can fire from the saddles of their moving mounts without penalty), and long, curved sabres (treat as scimitars) are usually 2,000 strong. They guard and police the city, even patrolling the river nearby by means of four rowing-barges, and protect the lands around with their famous mounted patrols.   A patrol is typically 30 strong. Fresh mounts are kept at guardhouses through¬out the Fields of the Dead, and a patrol passes a given point on the roads about every four hours, every day and night around. Warning beacons have been set up all across the farmlands north, east, and west of Elturel, and watchers on the roofwalks of High Hall are always on duty, peering over the lands below in search of approaching Hellriders or the light and smoke of a lit beacon.


    Elturel was the farming center of the Fields of the Dead and thrived on the trade that passed through its domain. Traders greatly appreciated the protection afforded to them by the city's Hellriders. After the founding of Elturgard, the officials who handled trade in the city became overly righteous and handed exorbitant taxes and punishments to traders who demonstrated even the slightest impiety.  

    Major Products

      Leatherwork, livestock (meat, cheese), wool, and glues (rendered from the hooves and horns of livestock).


    The Bent Helm

      Tavern   This dockside tavern is Elturel’s rowdiest dive. It is a brawling pit visited by those who like to get   thoroughly drunk and then have a good fight. Its signboard is visible from afar: a brightly polished, gigantic war helm hanging from a spar on a stout chain. The helm was worn by a giant in a long-ago battle just north of Elturel. It is bent halfway up at a sharp angle to the right as a result of a leaping dwarf king’s axe. The death of the giant was the other result. The helm now serves as a beacon for brawlers from all over the city, as well as visiting adventurers and caravan guards. Don’t come here if you want to relax, enjoy some minstrelry or quiet, or conduct a little business in peace. All the flying tankards make it hard to concentrate   The Place   Imagine a large open barn without a loft, its hammerbeam ceiling exposed. Add a few driftglobes (which are fixed in place, well aloft, and serve to heat the tavern as well as light it), a flagstone floor, and rusty metal cladding—mainly made of old shields, hammered flat—on all walls and pillars, that continues as high up as possible. Put a bar at one end, staff it with burly, hairy-armed warriors who can throw hard and accurately, equip them a few hand crossbows and sleep-envenomed bolts to quell major problems, and fit each roof pillar with elbow-height surround tables for holding drinks. Fill the place with thirsty patrons, serve potent ale, stout, and sherry in easily broken earthenware tankards to cut down on   fatalities, and stand back and watch the fights.  

    The Prospect

      The Helm has a no-weapons rule.   Patrons are invited to check weapons at the door by a curvaceous lass who wears a different—but always wildly daring—costume each night. Two firm but friendly ettins armed with clubs turn away anyone who refuses to surrender obvious weapons. They’re backed up by the doorclerk. She’s a mage of minor power who keeps a wand of paralyzation handy. Despite these precautions, stabbings at the Helm are frequent, and the local shrine to Tempus (the Hand That Swings the Sword) directs any visiting priests of the war god in need of funds to spend some time in this tavern’s back room, healing the wounded. Typical fees are 1,000 gp per spell applied.  

    The Provender and the Prices

      All drinks are 2 cp per tankard, and no food is available. Available drinks include undistinguished light and dark ales, a stout with a very robust character, and ample quantities of rough, strong sherry. Pouches of pipe tobacco are 6 cp each. Lights—from tapers reached across the bar—are free.  

    A Pair of Black Antlers

      Tavern     properly), this cozy place is a maze of stone support pillars, low, massive overhead beams, and dark, massive furniture salvaged from old villas and castles. If things are too dark to see an interesting-looking map or missive, This tavern stands on the west side of one of three blue-hued driftglobes can Maidensbridge Street, just south of be called for—but this will draw the where it swings westward to cross the attentive eyes of many patrons in the bridge it is named for and run around the northern end of the central heights of the city to link up with Westerly. Outside the city, A Pair of Black Antlers is the best known of Elturel’s taverns because it’s the gathering place for those who seek adventure. Old, retired warriors, young and bright-eyed would-bes, and weary adventurers alike all come here. labyrinthine, many-leveled taproom.   The Prospect   The walls of A Pair of Black Antlers are decorated over the bar with a truly gigantic rack of antlers. I climbed up on the bar—as many others have done before—to measure them, marveling. They’re fully 20 feet across! The walls are also dotted with the relics and trophies of many adventurers: old, notched and scarred weapons; split shields; the heads, tails, and claws of sundry shocked-looking, dusty, longdead monsters; and fading maps, bloodstained and covered with angry error-correcting scribbles, of old castle dungeons, dwarven holds, tombs, and other subterranean complexes that presumably once held rich treasures. (Some of these maps may well be palpable forgeries.) No adventurer’s visit to Elturel is complete without a stop at the Antlers. Many adventures have begun in its taproom—and many more likely will. The Antlers is the place to hear gossip about adventuring, join a band, hire swordswingers for a plan of your own, or get hired to carry out another dreamer’s plan. Need a curse lifted or some other spell cast? The patrons here will know who to call on and where they can be found, for the price of a tankard. Want to hear tales that chill the blood or splendid songs of daring deeds? This is the place. Want to impress a likely looking young blade of the other sex? Beware—some of them may be dopplegangers or shapeshifting mages—but then, you wanted adventure. . . .  

    The Provender


    The Place

      Wood-paneled, dimly lit, and apt to be smoky (the fireplace doesn’t draw The heartily cheerful staff of the Antlers are all ex-adventurers of a great variety of ages, races, and appearances. They pour out drinks with generous hands—no one need feel slighted here. One can also purchase salted biscuits,   slabs of sharp-tasting onion cheese, river clams, and gurdats (pan-fried, pepper-spiced mushrooms in a melted cheese batter).  

    The Prices

      Ale is 3 cp per tankard (large, battered pewter reservoirs) or 7 cp per hand keg, stout is 5 cp per tankard, and wine starts at 6 cp per tallglass and rises to 9 cp a glass for the best vintages. Sherries, zzar, and brandies are all 1 sp per tallglass. Elverquisst, the most expensive drink in the house, is 4 gp per tallglass.   All servings of provender are 6 cp a plate, which provides a light meal. Two plates would serve as a nice repast.  

    Travelers’ Lore

      The Antlers has about as many hidden treasure legends as any drinking house associated with adventurers.   The patrons have adopted one bardic ballad (given following) as their favorite drinking song. This song is a nightly favorite at the Antlers. Woe befall any minstrel who shows up to play without a sensitive mastery of it—the ability to sing and play it with mournful, macabre skill. It’s a bardic standard, but here it has the revered status of an anthem to fallen com   This verse has been outlawed in Elturel, because some fiendishly evil archmage of the city wove a summoning spell into the words that swiftly brought undead to whoever sang them. They’re still whispered across many a dying campfire in the Realms by those brave (or foolish) enough to risk the coming of seven skeletal warriors riding as many skeletal horses or whatever lesser undead show up instead.3 3Elminster can sing, but can‘t write down tunes as we do. He says this ballad is usually chanted to a dark, intricate harp melody in Faerßn—but it can be sung to a quite different melody: the tune of the traditional Celtic song of our world,   “Down by the Sally  

    Gallowgar’s Inn

      Inn This ramshackle, well-worn inn sprawls in all directions in the midst of Elturel’s dockside stockyards, looking just like the spider web of clumsily linked buildings that it is. Well known for its affable host, Guldin Gallowgar, its’s also known as the Manure Pile to folk of delicate noses who’ve had to stay there in hot summer weather  

    The Place

      Gallowgar’s Inn is an aromatic assembly of mismatched warehouses. It’swarms and dimly lit inside, evencozy but the furnishings are simple, the fare even more so, and the stenchof well-rotted cow dung permeates everything  

    The Prospect

      Gallowgar’s Inn is famous because ofits host, a retired adventurer of mature years who seems to know everyone and everything in the Coastlands and to have a finger, or at least an investment, in almost every trading or shipping company mentioned in this guide! Goldin Gallowgar dishesout advice on where to locate almost anyone or anything, and is known to sponsor caravans and adventuring bands   Food doesn’t have to be spectacular when everything smells of manure but Gallowgar himself thrives on what99he feeds guests: slabs of salty bread, wedges of sharp-spiced local cheese, plates of river minnows fried in eggs and seasoned with a hint of tansy and a scant handful of crushed way flowers, and portions of stew ladled from three salt stew pots. One pot contain share, one trout, and one shrimps and clams brought up the River Chiontharby barge  

    The Prices

      Mead is 1 sp per flagon, and ale is 6cp per tankard. All platters and stew bowls are 5 gp, but this include two tall glasses or tankards. Rooms are 4to 10 gp per night, varying by size andlocation. Most are 6 gp. They include hot baths and stabling  

    Travelers’ Lore

      Gallowgar’s is a favored destination by those whose coins are few especially if they’re involved with caravans or are adventurers. His sponsorship of an adventuring group is said to cost a percentage of what treasure it might find. Rumor reports his wealth as staggering, but their’s no sigh of it about his inn at least. There are whispers he’s married to the haughtiest overture’s nobility, an apparently unattached lady of decadent tastes and endless parties whose tall-turretedhome overlooks the city’s gardens It is certain that Guldin can getfrom place to, place swiftly and often unseen, and that he does know an astonishing number of folks’in many cities, and from all walks of life. Many guests come to stay just to question him or to chat Phontyr’s Unicorn Inn This famous inn is named for the ally, lifelong friend, and possible love ofthe long-dead mage Phontyr Wonderspell’a glowing unicorn whosehooves never touch the ground. Somesay the seldom-seen unicorn is amanifestation of the goddess Mielikki Others swear she is a polymorphed sorceress that Phontyr loved who is trapped forever in unicorn form Phontyr could not free her from magic greater than his own. Stillothers say it is Lurue or Silverymoon, the Divine Beast. Cult of the Unicornmembers bought the inn to be near the unicorn. They typically fall on their knees and chant with adoration when it is seen The Place Phontyr’s Unicorn is a splendid establishment of deep green carpets, fernsin hanging baskets, dim lighting fromstrategically placed glowing globes, and curtained, canopied beds. Theinn’s adornments celebrate the famous unicorn in many carvings, painted shields, and tapestries. Quitea few of these images are enchanted so as to glow blue white, just as the real unicorn does The inn has a wine cellar as good as any to be found in Waterdeep (for comparable prices, too), several lounges and meeting rooms for the use of guests, and a fine dining room Dry white house wine, sliced cheese, and salted biscuits are always at hand on trays everywhere about, free for the taking. Rooms are spacious, draft free, and quiet thanks to the tapestries that hang everywhere. These are deep green like the carpets, and each is adorned with the glowing blue white head of a watchful unicorn Eager, soft-spoken, thoughtful human staff members of both sexes dressed in green unicorn-adorned livery move quietly about the inn, seeing to every need of the guests. The even play board games or cards with bored or lonely patrons, though motor money The Prospect Whatever the unicorn’s true nature may be, the recently improved inns stands on the site of Phontyr’s house, which burned down under mysterious circumstances after the archmagis death. The unicorn is seen on misty nights in or near the inn, prancing about and then galloping away in eerie silence. Legend says that those who follow it and can keep it in sight will be led to rich treasure. Not surprisingly, the inn has become a favorite haunt of novice adventurers, who hang about each night with ready-saddled horses or magical means of flight, hoping the unicorn will appear The Prospect Food at the Unicorn consists of all the usual gravy-drenched roasts and fried root vegetables, plus a few notable dishes, soups prominent among them. For conservative tastes, threescore hock soup. Those who look100upon their stomachs as trusted friends will enjoy the cold potato-and leek soup and the hot pheasant tail soup. This last soup is an Elturian favorite and is named for the three pheasant feathers stood up as decoration beside each bowl. It’s actually a thick simmered stock of what small game fowl that can be had and, in establishments less honest than this one, small rodents The soups are served before heavier main dishes. The cooks at the Unicorn excel at shark steaks fried in seed oil, and at roast boar with all the trimmings. The delicious shade of brown that they manage to cook the outside of the well-seasoned roasts to is enough to set unsmooth to watering Travelers’ Lore The Unicorn has at least 20 unicorn sightings a year, and a few adventurers fast and lucky enough to follow the ethereally beautiful creature have become very rich. Two bands were led to hitherto unknown, abandoned dwarven holds near the city and found stockpiles of gold, silver, and fine ores, and another group literally fell into an ancient maelstrom in the woods! Dungeon of the Inquisitor those who trespass against the laws of Estergard three times are thrown into the Dungeon of the Inquisitor. This vast, subterranean maze lies deep beneath the streets of Elturel, and its population is constantly being replenished by new lawbreakers. Parts of the dungeon consist of natural caverns discovered during the excavation, and their full extents and final destinations have yet to be determined. Strange sounds infrequently echo from unknown cavities –sometimes rushing water is heard, other times the enraged roars of vicious behemoths ring out. From time to time, dungeon prisoners on mining detail escape their captors and dash into unexplored crevices and tunnels They are never seen again, on or below Faerû Elturgard is a relatively small island of order and hope in an inhospitable swath of the Western Heartlands. Over the years, hundreds of people fleeing a mummy’s curse, a vampire’s service, or some other undead involvement have arrived here, settling in Elturel in particular. The forests surrounding this land have grown wild and dangerous A pocket of plague land festering several miles to the south has a habit of spewing forth occasional monstrosities. About a year ago, a massive army of plague changed creatures emerged from theplagueland and laid siege to the city of Elturel. In some quarters, Elturgardhas garnered a reputation for being too righteous Many problems attend its inflexible laws, inquisitorialpersecution of evil, and bold plans for “setting Faerûnaright. Everyn Cadwy Male human (Lawful Good) Appears in: SPEC2-1, ELTU3-1Everyn stands around six and a half feet tall, with goodposture and a winning smile. His sandy blond hair is worn loose around his face and his armor is impeccably clean. This is a man who takes pride in his appearance, both inward and outward Personality: Everyn is stiff, but fair and warms up to people the more he knows them. He is more than willing to listen to reason and has calmed down much since his younger years Histor   Everyn Cadwy grew up in a merchant family based in Elturgard and had a happy childhood. Unlike many people in this region his life isn’t marred with a horrid past and because of this Everyn is resilient to the horrors he sees as a paladin of the Order of Torm. He joined the Order because he wanted to help those whodid not grow up as lucky as he did, and he believes that the law can protect the less fortunate. He is genuine lyand simply a good guy The following information can be gained with a Streetwise check: Streetwise DC 10: Everyn is a paladin of Torm and has had interactions with adventurers before. Perhaps the most suspicious thing about him is that there isnothing suspicious about him Streetwise DC 15: Everyn is the owner of small, white, fluffy dog by the name of Gigi. It is a dog heinherited from his mother when she passed away Streetwise DC 20: Everyn has a younger brother Jalden who is also in the Order of Torm. He often has tocover up lazy mistakes that Jalden makes while on duty; however, Everyn stays ever loyal to his family ties     Notable Mages:   • Baranta Chansil (CG hf W14), a di-minutive, bright little whirlwind of en¬ergy and enthusiasm, whose name is often linked romantically with that of Lord Dhelt, by watchful and wistful citizens. • Orsar «Greencloak» (NG hem W(T)15), a close-mouthed recluse con¬cerned with making and perfecting spells, items, and potions concerned with flight. He is a secret friend of Lord Dhelt, and serves the lord as a spy within the city; unbeknownst to most of his fellow citi¬zens, he spends much time slipping about cloaked in magical invisibility while in wraithform. He makes his living selling the potions he makes. There is a 1 in 10 chance that Orsar will have 2-5 potions of any particular type requested on hand (though at phenomenal prices).

    Гильдии и фракции

    Armed Forces Elturel is protected by the Hell Riders, who provide armed escorts to settlements along the trade routes from Iriaebor to Waterdeep. Guilds & Merchants The Dragoneye Dealing Coster has a base here. Mercenaries & Adventurers The High Moor Heroes’ Guild is composed of “the lawless, violent, penniless and other misfits” as well as better-minded adventurers of Elturel. Sages & Loremasters The office of the local Herald is Ironflower.


    This city is the farming center of the Fields of the Dead, and its Hellriders guard and police not only Elturel, but much of the farmed and settled portions of the Fields along the Skuldask Road, the Dusk Road, and both banks of the River Chionthar. The long patrols of the Hellriders, 30 riders strong, pass along the roads every four hours, night and day. The upkeep of the patrols was aided by lodges (stockaded outposts) placed strategically within their patrol area, where food, water, flammables, weapons, and fresh mounts were kept for them. These lodges were protected against arson and casual theft by strong wards.   Elturel has been a city on decline. For many years it stood as the pinnacle of beauty, order and safety in these parts of Faerun. But, a series of catastrophic events have drawn it down.   About a hundred years ago, Elturel was ruled wisely and well by High Rider Lord Dhelt, a paladin of Helm who was ever-vigilant when it came to the defense of his city and to lawless elements who might skulk in to do business in it. A just, no-nonsense ruler who lead patrols on the road as often as any of his war captains, Dhelt keeps the city a clean, law-abiding place, a firm member of the Lords Alliance. His 2,000 Hellriders were superbly equipped and trained as a fearsome fighting force equaled by few realms in Faerûn, Hellriders must be skilled at the use of horse bow, lance, and saber before they are allowed to ride the roads.   Travellers could rejoice in the safety of Elturel’s reach, which extended as far as Triel along the Dusk Road, as far as the intersection with Thundar’s Ride along the Skuldask Road to the north, as far as Scornubel along the Chionthar upstream, as far south toward Berdusk as Windstream Lodge (one of the Hellrider lodges), and as far downstream along the Chionthar as Stone Eagle Lodge (another Hellrider lodge). It was easy to tell these boundaries. Sheep and cattle wandered on all sides when you’re inside them, and brush is cut back, with hedged and stone-walled farms here and there. Outside Elturel’s sway, farms and livestock were gone, and scrub trees and shrubs were everywhere. Now-a-days, due to the events described below, there are large sections, especially to north east of the city that are shrubs as far as one can see.   Lord Dhelt passed on, due to natural causes at the ripe age of 70. This paved the way for his son High Rider Lord Wallace, a pale comparison to his father. He was arrogant and lax in his duties. He attempted to keep things as they were, but he paid less attention to the thieves of the city, the training of the Riders and the general security of the city.   Then, many say because of Wallace’s lazy eyes, Elturel was caught offguard when, in 1403 DR, the murderous orc King Arboult brought a huge army of orcs and trolls down from the Storm Mountains and attacked the city, aiming to take back a land that was once theirs. It was a well played attack and during this ten-day long pitched battle many lost their lives. Over 1,000 Hellriders lost their lives, and three times that in citizenry. But the battle was won and Arboult’s army was driven back after they lost almost 10,000 men. While Arboult’s army was gone, the damage to Eltural was catastrophic.   Confidence in Wallace was lost and he was ousted for more vigilant, thought to be fairer Lord Walt Brembar. Lord Brembar helped bring the city back somewhat, but the city is complete disrepair. He was a vicious ruler, doing what he felt needed to be done to rebuild. The lower class revolted twice. Trade, which was Eltural’s lifeblood, all but ceased, shifting to the trade giant Baulder’s Gate further up river.The economy was devastated and the Dock District went from the nicest area to the most destitute area of Eltural. The poor and homeless there were nicknamed the Walt Folk, as they blamed Lord Walt Brembar for their woes.   For the next 70 years, every 10 years or so a new ruler would take over the mantle, trying desperately to pull Eltural back from the brink and restore her to her former glory. Recently, in a desperate bid to do just that, they elected Lord Dhelt’s great grandson to office. So far, he is popular and many people compare him to his pedigree. He even rides at the head of the latest batch of Hellriders, who number about 1,000 these days. But the city has a long way to go and the new Lord Dhelt has much to do to bring back Eltural’s status as the most secure city in western Faerun.This city is the farming centre of the Fields of the Dead, and its Hellriders guard and police not only Elturel, but much of the farmed and settled portions of the Fields along the Skuldask Road, the Dusk Road, and both banks of the River Chionthar. The long patrols of the Hellriders, 30 riders strong, pass along the roads every four hours, night and day. The upkeep of the patrols is aided by lodges (stockaded outposts) placed strategically within their patrol area, where food, water, flammables, weapons, and fresh mounts are kept for them. These lodges are protected against arson and casual theft by strong wards, one of the tokens for which is shown below.   Elturel is ruled wisely and well by High Rider Lord Dhelt, a paladin of Helm who is ever-vigilant when it comes to the defence of his city.and to lawless elements who might skulk in to do business in it. A just, no-nonsense ruler who leads patrols on the road as often as any of his war captains, Dhelt keeps the city a clean, law-abiding place, a firm member of the Lords. Alliance. His 2,000 Hellriders are superbly equipped and trained.a fearsome fighting force equalled by few realms in Faerûn, Hellriders must be skilled at the use of horse bow, lance, and saber before they are allowed to ride the roads,   Travellers can rejoice in the safety of Elturel’s reach, which extends as far as Triel along the Dusk Road, as far as the intersection with Thundar’s Ride along the Skuldask Road to the north, as far as Scornubel along the Chionthar upstream, as far south toward Berdusk as Windstream Lodge (one of the Hellrider lodges), and as far downstream along the Chionthar as Stone Eagle Lodge (another Hellrider lodge). It’s easy to tell these boundaries. Sheep and cattle wander on all sides when you.re inside them, and brush is cut back, with hedged and stone-walled farms here and there. Outside Elturel’s sway, farms and livestock are gone, and scrub trees and shrubs are everywhere.


    The city was situated atop a cliff, dominating the River Chionthar. After the Spellplague, a small pocket of plagueland appeared a few miles south of the city.   The city itself was split into two districts: the High District and the Dock District.

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