Farl's Haven
Many trails wind west out of Everlund into the Silverwood, for westernmost Everlund consists of wooded hills into the slopes of which are tucked many mansions large and small, with gardens, private groves, small ponds, and meandering lanes aplentyand most of these lanes eventually become trails for hunters and woodcutters that run deep into the Silverwood.
Far into the Silverwood, in its heart due west of Everlund, is a ramshackle wooden house of many gables and rooms that thrust out at wild angles. This weathered house fills the space between three shadowtops that grow close together and climbs them for a dozen levels in one place and sixteen in another. The sprawl looks to the eye to have grown in random directions and shapes, as if it was a living tree itself. It is messy and moss-covered and looks ruinous in places, but it's also at one with the deep forest rather than being carved out of it or an outland intruder into the woods.
This is Farl's Haven, built by the Harper ranger Farl Thornmantle over three decades (1346 DR to 1374 DR) ago to retire to. He married, raised a family there, and lived to see great-grandchildren in the Haven, before dying in the hard winter of 1396 DR. By then, the Haven was home to six married couples and their children, all of them Farl's descendants.
Over the years since, Harper foes have found and invaded the Haven several times, many of Farl's kin have perished or relocated far across Faerun, and other Harpers have come to live in the Haven. It is now seen as a Harper communal home and refuge by Those Who Harp; many Harpers have lived out their graying years in it, and been buried "wild" (laid out on the leaves in the forest) in a hollow just west of the home.
Farl's Haven is decaying and in a constant state of repair and rebuilding; its various rooms are all of wood, but their styles, and the materials of "their" sections of roof, vary widely. Inside, the Haven is a maze of short stairs, little rooms with round windows, rope elevators and ladders connecting various levels, and clotheslines and "swing lines" connecting to nearby trees in the forest.
Harper lore says many Harper secrets are hidden in or near the Haven ("near" meaning in various of the surrounding trees), but these are thought to be lore and written records and healing potions rather than arsenals of enchanted weapons or more powerful magic.
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