Hammers of Grimjaw
Members of this elite order of paladins are drawn solely from two of Tyr's orders, the Knights of Holy Judgment and the Knights of the Merciful Sword. An existing member must nominate a paladin, who then maintains a prayer vigil in Tyr's temple. A positive vision (Tyr's warhammer) means the paladin is accepted, no vision means the paladin must try again, and a negative vision (Tyr's sword) means the paladin has failed in some way and must go on a quest to atone, with a successful quest meaning the paladin is forgiven and accepted into the order. There are less than a dozen of these paladins in all of Faerûn, all of them serious, devout, and experienced warriors of the faith. Paladins of this order can multiclass freely as clerics, fighters, and divine champions.
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