Jardak “Sevenmouths” Herringdar
Born in Daggerford in the Year of the Shattered Oak (1313 DR), Jardak Herringdar (CN male middle-aged Illuskan human warrior 2, see Appendix 2, page __), is a longstanding, senior member of the Rivermen’s Guild and a veteran of the Daggerford to Secomber route, making regular trips ferrying people and goods up and down the River Delimibiyr on a Shining skiff, along with his eldest son, Jardak the Younger (CN male Illuskan human warrior 1). A tall, dark-haired, heavily muscled riverman, Jardak the Elder is known as “Sevenmouths” for his endless complaints about having to feed seven mouths on his meager income. He knows ever bend in the river, every sandbar, and every overlook where wild elves or orcs or bandits might shoot at travelers below from a thick screen of woods. Despite his endless bellyaching, Jardak has long profited from his position, using it to facilitate all manner of illicit activities up and down the river. For example, Hendar the Scarred (see above), a spy for the Cult of the Dragon, pays him to drop regular reports at a a prearranged hollow beneath a prominent rock overlooking the River Delimbiyr near the eastern end of the Laughing Hollow. Baron Agwain Delantar (see Chapter 4) pays him to deliver regular reports passed to his son at the Lucky Lady tavern (#91) and then to him by a network of informants throughout the city. From time to time, Jardak allows the baron’s agents to slip unnoticed into the city dressed as his son, relying on his influence within the guild to maintain the discretion of his fellow rivermen. In the evenings, when in town, Jardak can be found at the “Inn the Drink” (#16), holding court in a back corner of the tavern with his fellow guildmembers. While he draws the line at murder, Jardak can also be hired to arrange for a “beatdown” by a gang of younger rivermen. Caravan masters hoping to settle a score are not above arranging for a rival merchant to stumble into a “chance” dustup with a group of rivermen on his way home from a night of drinking.
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