Lowroad Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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This forgotten stretch of natural and carved tunnels once served as an underground trade route linking the citadels of Delzoun with the port city of Ascore and its primary trading partner, Netheril. In Old Delzoun, its course loosely corresponds with the River Redrun and the Fork Road, running through the heart of the Fardrimm all the way to Felbarr. The Lowroad’s destinations in ancient Netheril now lie beneath the sands of the Anauroch.   In its heyday, the Lowroad was lined with dozens of forti¬fied and gated way stations, any of which could close the tunnel in times of danger. When Netheril fell, the fearful dwarves of Ascore sealed off the portion of the Lowroad leading east. The undead spirits of trapped Netherese and dwarf merchants who died alongside their caravans now roam the Lowroad east of Ascore.   THE LOWROAD   The Lowroad is a vast highway that runs northwest through the Buried Realms (the former domain of the phaerimm) to Ascore, then turns west through the heart of the Fardrimm to Citadel Felbarr. Its course loosely corresponds with the Fork Road and the River Redrun. Largely hewn from solid bedrock using magical force, the Lowroad is an enduring creation of Netheril’s arcanists. Before the phaerimm emerged from the deepest reaches of the Underdark into the Buried Realms below Netheril (around -460 DR), the Lowroad was patrolled by dwarves of the North- kingdom. Through all the ages since, deadly monsters have stalked its pathways. The western reaches of the highway, stretching from Ascore to Felbarr, are still used by dwarven caravans seeking safer passage than the ore-infested surface routes, but the underground danger is still considerable. The eastern reaches have largely been abandoned. Travelers rarely follow this ancient road even as far east as Ascore.

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