Carved out of the eastern Star Mounts by the dwarves of Am- marindar for their elf allies, the ancient mines of Onthrilaenthor have not been used since the fall of Eaerlann. Two hidden entrances to Onthrilaenthor exist—one on the gnarled badlands near the southeastern base of the Star Mounts, and the other on the northern slopes, just north of the Heart Blood River.
The mines of Onthrilaenthor encompass miles of tunnels, spiral stairs, storage chambers, and vertical shafts that reach upward into the peak of the most southern Star Mount. The presence of stables and openings to the sky within that peak sug¬gest that the Eaerlanni at one time employed aerial mounts.
Fierce winds pour through these openings and rush through the mines’ shafts and tunnels. Walking against the wind is ex¬tremely difficult, and most conversations carried on at a volume below a yell are drowned out by the roaring winds.
The mines were home to a flock of harpies for a decade. These creatures were routed by an adult deep dragonMon named Onskarrarrd, who had abandoned his lair near Ched Nasad after the catastrophe that threw that entire region into chaos.
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