Phylund Hunting Lodge Building / Landmark in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Phylund Hunting Lodge

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In the Year of the Bloodbird (1346 DR), Lord Urtos Phylund I built a stone hunting lodge in the western depths of Ardeep Forest. Ever since, the family has used this building as a base from which to launch carefully planned hunting expeditions for wealthy Waterdhavians. The object of such hunts is always a rare and fan¬tastic creature brought in from elsewhere in Faerun and released just prior to the event’s commencement. Lords Urtos I and Urtos II have both made small fortunes hosting such events—enough to con¬sider establishing similar camps in the Sword Mountains or the Forlorn Hills. No one has yet noticed that these hunts never take place during nights of the full moon, or that Lord Urtos II always visits the Phylund hunting lodge on such nights for a “private hunt.” In fact, Urtos II is an afflicted werewolf, and he stays at the lodge during the full moon to ensure that his transformations and subsequent hunting harm no one. Thus, visiting the area of the lodge during such nights is unusually dangerous.     Only a noble would describe Phylund Lodge as a hunting lodge. For generations, members of the Phylund noble family of Waterdeep came to the Ardeep Forest to hunt and trap beasts of the woods, using a small hunting lodge as their base. They’d invite noble friends or those with whom they would make alliances, treating them to a tenday or more of leisure.   As the family’s fortunes improved and the popularity of their hunts increased, the lodge was replaced with ever more elaborate structures. It became the primary residence of the heads of the Phylund family, who used it as a center for their beast-training trade and huntguide businesses. Thus the lodge was equipped with stables, gardens, guest rooms, wine cellars, and even underground cells for the more dangerous creatures the Phylunds captured.   The fortunes of the family eventually fell after a series of deadly “accidents” at the lodge, culminating in the bloody revelation that Lord Urtos Phylund II was afflicted with lycanthropy. To help put that period behind the family, the Phylunds departed the lodge to live in Waterdeep.   They left servants to protect the lodge from looting, fully intending to return to their family seat when fortunes improved. They did not. When salary payments became delayed and finally ceased, the servants departed, leaving nature to take over their watch.

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  • Phylund Hunting Lodge


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