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Elder Runes

  "elder runes" is a collective modern-day Realms term, probably coined by an unknown human sage at least a thousand years ago (because it's about that long ago that the term gradually seeps into common usage among students and workers of magic), referring to a growing (as they're "rediscovered") collection of magical symbols (probably NOT of common origins) used by long-ago workers of magic.   More specifically, we know that some Netherese (and a handful of their scattered descendants, after the fall of that realm) used them, and also that before that, dwarves of Besilmer employed some of what we now call 'elder runes, ' and may well have merely augmented and expanded upon runes in use earlier among the Stout Folk. The names now used for many of the known elder runes hint that elves also used them, and adventurers know that certain shamans among the goblinkin (orcs, goblins, and especially hobgoblins) draw them to this day.   There are tales that certain 'sensitive' beings can feel the nearby presence of any elder rune, and that runes of the same sort are somehow linked (no matter how distant one drawing of Angras may be from another, teleportation of a person, item, or just a verbal message [emitted aloud but in some cases also stored in the rune until it is next touched, or even after] between them is possible).   Although the runes have acquired 'wayfarer' meanings (noting the presence of shelter, for instance), it's clear they formerly also had other meanings and purposes.   Most of them possessed now-exhausted magical powers, a few still store these magics, and almost all of them, if whole (i.e. the drawn glyph isn't broken by damage to the drawing or the surface it's graven upon), can be 'recharged' with magic by those who know how.   And there's the rub: elder runes have magical powers only if imbued with such by many now-forgotten spells that can be cast upon them at any time. Most of the beings still 'alive' who know such magics are either dragons or undead (usually liches). It's certain that some dragons and baelnorn deliberately recharge elder runes often to bolster defenses around lairs, caches, hoards, and ruined dwellings.      

Known elder runes

  Anarath is meaning “guardian.”
Angras is warning of war and danger.   Bairemuth is warning of death.
Gatha is warning of extra-dimensional creatures or magic.   Korombos is warning of “chaos.”
Laebos iswarning of fire.   Lammath is safety and shelter.   Nchasme is identifying a decision.   Savaros is an elder rune of goblinkind.   Ullathar is safe passage.
Uttebyn is identifying a religious site or object.   Elder rune - camping place
  Dramach was a magical rune of sealing. It was used as a powerful defense against intrusions, but like other sealing runes and signs, it could be bypassed or cancelled by uttering their name.[1]   Philaerin used dramach to lock a special telkiira in his possession. In the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Araevin Teshurr unlocked it by saying "dramach" and accessed the telkiira.[1]  


  Elven rune Turn back  
  Elven rune Safe refuge  
    Elven rune hidden water present  




  Dwarven rune safe place  






  Orc mark of safe trail  
  Svirfneblin mark of good cache  
  Drow caravan route marker  

Harper runes


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