Savra Belabranta
Lady Belabranta
Savra once belonged to the feathergale knights: a team of Waterdhavian aerial-mount enthusiasts with pretensions of nobility. They indoctrinated her into the Cult of Howling Hatred, but she was freed by the intervention of a group of adventurers (see Princes of the Apocalypse). Since then, Savra has dedicated herself to Tyr and seeks to redeem her dark past.
Personality: Savra has an energetic outlook that means she rarely sits still.
Ideal: I must redeem my sins.
Bond: Despite my dark past, I still get a thrill from flying on a winged steed.
Flaw: My energetic demeanor masks my latent mania.
Mental characteristics
While a member of the Cult, Savra was totally brainwashed by it and fully believed everything.
However, she believed that they should use elemental fury only against Waterdeep's enemies.
Savra was a member of the Belabrantas, a noble Waterdhavian family whose main activity was raising griffons to serve as mounts for the Griffon Cavalry.
Savra hailed from Waterdeep, where she joined the Feathergale Knights, a cover group for the Cult of the Howling Hatred. There, she was indoctrinated into the worship of Yan-C-Bin. In 1491 DR, Savra showed some adventurers the Feathergale Spire.
Some time later, Savra repented from her cultist days and became a member of the Order of the Gauntlet. Fully reformed, she began to serve Tyr in an attempt to atone for the evil acts she committed and to regain her honor. She returned to Waterdeep and worked for the Order at the Halls of Justice, assigning missions and swearing new members into the Order.
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