This kingdom of sun elves was the first elven realm established in the High Forest after the Crown Wars. Siluvanede occupied the northwestern High Forest, which also included the Silverwood at the time. The Siluvanedenn favored long, graceful, stone structures and bright colors, so they filled their cities with tall towers and slender spires built of brightly colored stone and brick. Magnificent manors lined every street, and every boulevard ended in a park garden where artisans came to create works of art from stone, wood, and magic.
But beneath Siluvanede’s beauty lay a growing cancer—namely, a tendency to embrace the dark ways. In the early days of Silu-vanede, the memories of the Elven Court’s decree against the Vyshaanti and the Descent of the Drow were still fresh in the minds of many sun elves, so the citizens of the new kingdom were more than a little fearful of the Seldarine. In response to those fears, temples were outlawed in the new kingdom, and priests were persecuted and driven out. The godless nature of Siluvanede later contributed to House Dlardrageth’s success in subverting the Siluvanedenn houses to their own dark cause. As more and more Siluvanedenn fell in with the plots of House Dlardrageth, an increasing number of them chose to follow the dark path laid out by their Vyshaan forebears.
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