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The Blue Bear tribe of Uthgardt barbarians is thought to be extinct, its spirit mound a haunted place best avoided. In truth, the Blue Bears prowl the High Forest and the eastern Delimbiyr Vale, doing their best to remain hid¬den. Their members visit Stone Stand infrequently, and only under the cover of night. Stone Stand (see map 3.12) is situated upon a lonely hill north of the High Forest. Atop this hill, the Blue Bears built a mound upon which they planted a branch of the Grandfather Tree. This branch grew into a tow¬ering oak tree, which today is surrounded by a raised inner ring of cairns and a broken outer ring of mounds with more cairns atop them. Beneath these cairns lie the moldy bones of the tribe’s ancient dead. ANCIENT RELIC Early followers ofUthgar buried a relic of giantkind under the central mound, believing that its magic would empower and protect the oak tree. The tree’s roots wrap around the ancient relic, which is actually a source of unrest for the Uthgardt ghosts that languish here (see “Suggested Encounter”). A detect magic spell cast within range of the tree reveals an aura of necromancy magic emanating from underneath it. To reach the relic, characters must dig under the tree and hack away at its roots. This exercise takes a single character 40 hours to accomplish; multiple party members working together can reduce the amount of time accordingly. The buried relic is the skull of Gurt, Lord of the Pale Giants, a frost giant that Uthgar defeated in single combat at the site of Morgur’s Mound. The skull weighs 100 pounds. If it is taken from Stone Stand, the ghosts that haunt the spirit mound are finally laid to rest. SUGGESTED ENCOUNTER The presence of a living creature within 30 feet of the oak tree causes the ghost of an Uthgardt chieftain to ap¬pear next to the tree. It enters the world from the Border Ethereal and attacks any trespassers that it sees, first using its Horrifying Visage action, and then its Posses¬sion and Withering Touch. If it succeeds in possessing a creature, the ghost uses the host body to attack other trespassers. If the ghost drops to 0 hit points, it vanishes with a furious scream. In the round after the ghost is defeated, on what would be its initiative count, the ghost of another chieftain ap-pears next to the tree. This process continues until four Uthgardt ghosts have been defeated. The ghosts don’t attack members of the Blue Bear tribe. Any character dressed as a Blue Bear warrior or shaman can fool a ghost with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Deception) check. Although they can speak Bothii (the Uthgardt language), the dead Uthgardt chieftains have no inclination to communicate with tres¬passers, and they don't know why they’ve been denied a place at Uthgar’s side in the afterlife. Any ghosts that are defeated re-form at midnight and can reappear there¬after. If the frost giant skull is removed from its resting place under the tree, the Uthgardt spirits are laid to rest and the ghosts don’t reappear. The oak tree has AC 15, 100 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, and immunity to psychic damage. At¬tacking or destroying it has no effect on a ghost that has already manifested. Even if the tree is reduced to O hit points, it grows back over years, unless it is uprooted. Утгардтское племя варваров Синего Медведя считается вымершим, а его курган духов, населенный призраками, лучше обходить стороной. На самом деле Синие Медведи бродят по Высокому Лесу и восточной части Делимбийрской Долины, стараясь оставаться незамеченными. Члены плеиени навещают Высокий Камень нечасто и только под покровом ночи. Высокий Камень (смотри карту 3.12) расположен на одиноком холме к северу от Высокого Леса. На вершине холма Синие Медведи сделали курган, на котором они посадили ветвь Дерева Прадеда. Эта ветвь выросла в огромный дуб, который сегодня окружен внутренним кольцом небольших пирамид и незамкнутым внешним кольцом курганов, на которых также сделаны пирамиды. Под ними погребены кости древних покойников племени.

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